i havent really spoken much to people today, except to the person at the starbucks register, who told me that i didnt need to pay the 3 pennies and said something clever to me, like you can keep your pennies with me. or something like that.
then about an hour ago, i walked by and was asked if i wanted bread. it was naomi and a little group sitting in the courtyard. i took their bread, and they commented on my saddle shoes. so i sat down with them, and then i realized they were smart people. they started talking about the landing on the moon, to which i ate more bread so i wouldnt have to talk.
roxanna also called on the tele, she told me that there are 3 personalities, she learned this in psychology class today. one is submissiveness, the others agressiveness, and detachness. i thought the detachment one intresting so i looked up detach on youtube and found this..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWTV9jg5nyM to which i jolted to, and then wrote my previous post about. i am le tired. why are the clouds moving so fast? detach from the drama!