me: oh. mama.
lindsey: well
i was going to text you
how was it
me: jc had a standup comedy show last night in boston. and i went, of course
it was fun!
but, i got suuuuuuuuuuuper drunk
and we were out until 2 and i had my final at 8 this morning (up at 6)
i feel like actual death
like, i have NO IDEA how i just made it through that
i had two glasses of wine and then this thing called the scorpion bowl: lindsey: LMAO
me: which is literally a GIANT BOWL of booze
meant for four people to share... and i drank it
and then!
ooooooooh then
we had to drive home
and, of course, i had to pee every five seconds. so i came up with the brilliant idea to pee in the car
lindsey: im about to pee myself
me: because i had one of those huge plastic carrier things that they have for mail
ya know?
lindsey: MY GOD
me: like that. but from the post office and i keep it in the back seat for my etsy shit
lindsey: yes i know
me: and i peed into it, TWICE
but by the time we got home, it was magically emtpy. so i guess it's not sealed very tightly? and thus i literally peed IN the car
or, ON the car... as it were. and! i sang karaoke!
lindsey: you are KILLING ME
me: i sang africa! and recorded it!
i also do not remmeber a lot, which rarely happens to me
like... i don't even know... I ate SOOO MUCH greasy chinese food. i thought i'd be safe!
but not from the scorpion!
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