Moving on...

Sep 16, 2008 17:17

It have been a long time I didn't write and respond to any of the blog, my apology.

I had decided to resigned from my Church as a admin staff on 12 Aug 2008 and will be moving on to a VWO (Volunteer Welfare Organization) in Jan 09 I remembered on that day when I am not sure I should tender my resignation letter to my boss, as I read Our Daily Bread (A devotion material), the scripture said : I will be with you. Without any hesitation I put the letter on her desk.

Since beginning of the year till now, kept on received words from different preacher and prophecy what I will be doing next and my conclusion is pack up my old self and be prepare to move on.

Enclosed is a message received from a preacher during our staff holiday (8 to 11 Sep 2008)in HCM city :
Word from Jeff 8 September 2008 at HCM City
Francis Father said you are standing in the crook, looking out for the great things that arisen. Francis you are the man want to see big picture, big street, big understanding. You are the man want to see and to know and to understand very well, very deep.
You are a man that carry in your heart a lot of capacity to make things happen. You help to initiate, you help to pioneer, you help to establish gifts that the things people don’t know, don’t always understand.
You are a man help to lubricate, a man help to establish God’s way, God’s truth, God's purposes and God’s heart. You are a man to help to pioneer, to help to initiate to help to create opportunity into people’s life. You set many people free. You give people hope, you give them dreams, you give them wise understanding, you give people high capacity to do things that take time. You are a man want to develop, develop well, develop deep, develop strong, develop truth and understanding.
You have a lot of developmental gift, developmental of ability. You help to create a very healthy, transparent and open environment. You help people to understand themselves. You are the man that give, you give truth, give understanding. You give wisdom, you give, you sharing, you provide, and you make a way. You make a way with the reasonable way. You are the man that help to motivate people, not to give up. You help them to understand God’s purposes, God’s dream, God’s capacity. You are a man that sees things very clearly; you help to bring that clear expression of love, truth and kindness to other people. You help people not to feel left out, not to feel abandon, you help people to carry themselves that kind of strength, to build consistency, the ability in their life.
Father said that He enjoys you, He believes in you. A man of faith, a man of dream, a man of deep desire, a man that carry big capacity to initiate, so people’s life are open up, people life are free, you help to motivate people. So that they not shut down, you help to motivate people so they are not isolated, and will be strong.
Father said Francis you carry in your heart, truth and understanding that is very powerful in people’s life. You are a man bring clarity. You asking question, you asking clear question, you ask question to help to give people hope and dream and the deep experiences in God that will release them so they do not bond out.
Father given you the ability to walk by faith, to build by faith, to understand by faith. The ability to see things that take time, see things that people don’t know how to see, because you are the man to see the hint, you uncover things, you got the ability to uncover and open up and expose and express and communicate, so that there is something new, something fresh, something deep, something powerful something the releasing for people’s life. Father said He enjoy you, He believe in you, you are a man of faith, a man of hope, a man of courage the man of wise understanding, the man can carry strong the difficult heart and release people, so they not bond out. Father said He enjoy you, He enjoy your love, He enjoy your kindness He enjoy your faithfulness He enjoy you because you caring in your heart - truth that is wise and deep and strong.

You help to set people free, because you give people hope and dreams and ideas and to lubricate their life. You are a man that lubricates, a man of opens up a door, a man that set people free so they not bound out. Father said I enjoy you, I enjoy you, I got you, I am proud of you. Because you initiate you can pioneer, you can create, you can establish and you can bring people into great freedom. A great sense of freedom and release so that their life will not bound out. Father said I enjoy you, I enjoy your faith, and I enjoy your love, I enjoy your transparency. Because many people are influence by you. Many people you give them hope, you give them dream, and you give them wise understanding. You give to them things they didn’t have, so Father said Francis just keep on doing what you are doing. Because your life is making a different, your life is giving impact, your life is helping to create a very safe and healthy and open environment for the people. Father said take my hand and walk with me, and work with me and build with me, you are builder, a creator, a developer. You have ability to take the things from God and hold on them very well and hold on them very deeply. Father said He enjoy you, He enjoy you that the things in your heart. Because there is transparency, there is openness, there is a sense of strength thing that given from you and through you and out of you, that give people when they need your help. Father said the timing is very important for you, and space and environment the things that hold people together are very important. The surrounding and the environment have to be safe and to be open have to be able to motivate people so they not bound out. Father said there is a lot of freedom in your heart there is a lot of freedom in your dream, a lot of freedom and understanding that Father give to you and make the different. Father said keep walking through, keep understanding well, keep understand deep, keep understanding that the things other people don’t always understanding.
You see thing, you see things from God’s perspective. You are the man like it big, a big prospective, a big vision, big impact. You like to build things for God. Father said I enjoy you, I believe in you and I will give you hope I will give you dreams, I will give you things that will satisfy you. You are a man that feels thirsty, hungry and thirsty to know to experience and to see the power of God releasing you. The power of God creating in you, that which is deep and strong and powerful. Father said just continues to walk straight ahead, because your life is making a different to many people, your truth of freedom in your heart is very powerful and very deep. Father said He enjoys you, He enjoys your word, He enjoys your expression of word. Because the impacting is strong and releasing and many people are influencing by that. Father said just to continue to wait, and watch and listen. Because He want to see you in big. He want to show you the big and hard and the difficult, because you are the man been release to do things, there is a very unique and expression calling in your life.

Will keep everyone updated what are the prophecy I received early this year and how it's compliment each others from two different preacher and why I choose to move on although the new work I only get half of what I am getting now.

Thanks for your patient.
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