(no subject)

Jul 01, 2004 12:25

My grandma always told us to make sure we have clean underwear on in case we get in a car accident and are taken to the hospital. As a kid I never second guessed it, "good thinking" I'd say. But now I don't know, I'd hope that maybe, just maybe, all of the blood and the fact that I'm dying might distract them from the cleanliness of my underwear. Not that I wear dirty underwear, if I do wear it I prefer clean, but still. It would be unfortunate if I was taken to the hospital due to critical circumstances and the ER folk saw some dirty underwear and said: "STOP EVERYTHING! Look guys, she has dirty underwear!! hahahahahaha.." and forgot to keep me from dying. I think the world we live in sucks, but I don't think it's that bad.
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