(no subject)

Jun 29, 2004 09:05

One of the best moments in my life was standing in the Paul McCartney concert singing "Hey Jude" at the top of my lungs. It was such a trip and so amazing to be there singing WITH Paul. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

I heard that song on the way to work this morning and turned it up as loud as I could. That's one song that when you hear it you have no choice but to turn it up loud and sing along.

I wish I had that CD with me today, all I have is Rubber Soul, but that'll do fine.

I miss the Beatles, I haven't been paying them as much attention as I should lately. I always give John love, but the Beatles as a whole I seem to neglect. Maybe Friday I'll have a Beatles-fest. I'll bring all of my Beatles CD's (and I have them all) and listen to them all day long. Yea. :) Oh, and I'll listen in order.

Sometimes I think I like John Lennon way too much.

But then even "way too much" doesn't equal how much I like Elvis.

Anyway..oh crap, I'll be in Loma Rica on Elvis's D-day. *edit* I'm retarded, I'll be there JULY 16, not August 16, what was I thinking. I'll have to find some hard liquor so I can take a shot so to not break tradition. . Now I'll definitely have to take a shot for him, maybe 2 or 3. The last couple years I've neglected this.

Ok I'm rambling. Ciao.
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