(no subject)

May 27, 2004 09:39

Just now I was looking at the carpet and I saw a little old man's face in the pattern. Clear as day. Then he faded away.

Last night I dreamt that I was watching a scary murder/slasher movie. Then I was the killer. Then I was running from the killer. Then I was flying! I flew the night before last too.

Lately I've been sleeping like a rock. Every time Jim comes to bed after me (I've been going to bed early) it scares the crap out of me and I jump out of bed all disoriented and scared and start crying. So the other night I woke up and Jim wasn't there, I walked into the living room and he was sleeping on the couch. He said he didn't want to scare me again. I feel so bad. I have no idea why that is happening. So now I've decided to just not go to bed until he does.

I can't go to California in June. Gas is too expensive. That sucks. Like I just told a friend, I'm missing everything, so right now I'm just trying to convince myself that I don't care, hopefully that'll work.

Work is going really well. Home life is wonderful. Vegas is great. Life is good.

Back to work I go!

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