Random Character Survey thing

Dec 25, 2006 10:46

I got this from my friend Lime Green Squid on DeviantArt (you can see his stuff here - http://limegreensquid.deviantart.com/), and I just had to do it for some of my characters. So yeah. Feel free to ignore if you want ^^;

Rosaline Jackson, aka Willow (from my "X-men: Evolution" fanfiction)

1. How old are you?
22, as I just returned to Bayville.

2. Height?
Only 5'2".

3. You got any bad habits?
Well, I'm pretty insecure sometimes, and I bite my nails when I'm nervous.

4. You a virgin?
Glady, no.

5. Who's your mate?
Madison James, more commonly known as Masque. We've been together since I was in high school.

6. Have any smeets?
What does that mean?

7. Favorite food?

8. Favorite ice cream flavor?
I can't really pick a favorite, though I do like Ben & Jerry's "Dublin Mudslide" very much.

9. Killed anyone?
No, thankfully.

10. Hate anyone?
Well, I wouldn't call it hate, but I still have angry feelings at the men who killed my brother...even though they're dead now...and Madison's father, even though he's dead too.

11. Any secrets?
Not anymore.

12. Love anyone?
I love Madison more than I can say, and I love my family and friends very much.

13. TACOS?!
Um, tacos are good.

14. Ever slept in all day?
Of course!

15. Favorite show?
"The L Word." Goddess, I'm such a dyke.

16. Favorite movie?
Again, its hard to pick a favorite, though I'm very fond of the "Shrek" movies and "But I'm a Cheerleader."

17. Favorite band?

18. Eye color?

19. Skin?
Average caucasian, I suppose.

20. Shoe size?
Roughly 8, when I have to wear them.

21. Fat/Average/Slim?
Fat, though I don't like that word, and I am finally proud of my size.

22. Rain, Sunshine?
I refuse to pick here. Both are very important to plants.

23. Pool, Beach?
Beach, of course. Not that I don't like pools, but the ocean is better than any man-made form of water.

24. Camping, stay home?
I love camping, but home is nice too.

25. Dog, Cat?

26. Believe in aliens?
Yes, but I haven't really thought about it that much. I wouldn't be surprised if Adryen was one, actually.

27. Last time you went potty? 0_0
Uh, half an hour ago? Why is this important?

28. Natural born, or clone?
Naturally born.

29. Teeth?
Uh, I have them...

30. Car or ship?
I've never been on a ship, so I guess I have to say car.

31. Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Nothing alive

32. Any unusual things about you?
Well, I'm a mutant, and gay, so I'm not the typical "normal" homo sapien, and I have some bizzare interests, but not in a bad way or anything.

33. How much food/drink do you need a day?
The average three meals, but I probably drink more tea than other people do in 24 hours.

34. Favorite place?
The tree halfway between the mansion and the Brotherhood house, and the place Madison and I used to have picnics. I also really like the cemetary in Salem, Massachusetts.

35. This was a weird as hell and random thing, wasn't it?
Yes, but answering questions is fun sometimes.

Arella, princess of Serepta

1. How old are you?
191, so just getting out of my adolescence.

2. Height?
3' even.

3. You got any bad habits?
My insecurity.

4. You a virgin?
According to some people, yes. According to me, no.

5. Who's your mate?
Estelle, the sort-of princess of the Okami.

6. Have any smeets?
What is a smeet?

7. Favorite food?
I like pomegranates very much.

8. Favorite ice cream flavor?
What is ice cream?

9. Killed anyone?
Not willingly, but I had to in the war.

10. Hate anyone?
I used to, but I let go of that hatred when they died.

11. Any secrets?
Well, yes, but nothing important.

12. Love anyone?
Estelle, of course, and my family.

13. TACOS?!
What are tacos?

14. Ever slept in all day?
No, what would the point of that be?

15. Favorite show?
Oh I like many plays, there are too many to choose from.

16. Favorite movie?
What is a movie?

17. Favorite band?
Uriel's husband, who is a bard, is very good, so I suppose I would have to choose him.

18. Eye color?

19. Skin?

20. Shoe size?
Um, my own?

21. Fat/Average/Slim?

22. Rain, Sunshine?
Sunshine, though I don't mind rain if its warm.

23. Pool, Beach?
I'm fond of the beach, and the ocean, but what is a pool?

24. Camping, stay home?
I've never actually camped, and I think I like home too much to try.

25. Dog, Cat?
Dogs are nice, but cats are better.

26. Believe in aliens?
Um, please stop using words I don't understand ^^;

27. Last time you went potty? 0_0
Really, please stop.

28. Natural born, or clone?
Naturally born.

29. Teeth?
Are important in the eating process ...?

30. Car or ship?
What is a car?

31. Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Not since the war.

32. Any unusual things about you?
Hm, I wouldn't say so, but I'm sure others would.

33. How much food/drink do you need a day?

34. Favorite place?
Serepta City, though I do not mind living in the Okami lands now.

35. This was a weird as hell and random thing, wasn't it?
Yes, especially since you kept using odd words *glare*

.....Yes, I realize how much of a dork I am.
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