another betsey... lol

Jul 01, 2005 23:47

I love betsy's livejournals, lol... so i'm stealing again... i'll do michigan people...

List 20 people you know:
1. Mel (AKA Melissa)
2. Scotty (K)
6.Pete (AKA MY DAWG)
7.Megs EC(AKA Meghan Elisabeth Cre... )lol... just how I pronounce it all, lol ;)
8.Rex (AKA wilkes)
9.Burtt (AKA Matt)
13.Stephanie N.

giVE uS iNFO::
*Who is #8 going out with? No one
*Is #9 a boy or a girl? a guy... or so we've been lead to believe
*Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? lol... it would be interesting... don't know what mel would do...
*How about #18 and #4? NO!!!! i totally could never see that
*What grade is #17 in? junior in college
*When was the last time you talked to #12? too long ago... last day at state
*Does #1 have any siblings? yep... 2 sisters
*Would you ever date #3? um... no... he's totally taken, and not my type... andrew stays my buddy, lol
*Would you ever date #7? omg... megs... totally... who says we don't already ;)... lol... jk
*Is #16 single? last i knew
*What's #15's last name? Smith
*What's #10's middle name? Elisabeth
*What's #5's favorite thing to do? loves to hang out with his girls, lol ;)... and drink vodka ;)
*Is #13 attractive? ohyeah... stephanie's a hottie ;)
*Would #14 and #19 date? lmao... that's all i can say right now... i'm kinda rollin on the floor...
*What school does #20 go to? Michigan State University!!!!!
*Tell me a random fact about #11? she loves me even though i'm late for everything... and she likes to try on hats everywhere we go shopping
*And #8: the kid likes to drink pickle juice... no chocolate sauce though... sorry dan
*And #3: he's actually a total light weight
*Have you ever had a crush on #19? a lil one... wonderful football games, lol
*Where does #9 live? Ch..., michigan... i can't spell it... but they have a car dealership ;)
*What's #4's favorite color? green??
*Would you makeout with #14? anyday of the week ;) lol
*Are #5 & #6 best friends? yeah... and they have been for a few years now
*Does #7 like #20? they've never met... so of course, lol ;)
*Does #8 like #19? god i hope not... nothing more than a good friendship i hope..
*How did you meet #2? we partied together welcome week... he kept filling my beer for me, lol
*How did you meet #18? the study lounge... so i kept talking to him until he stopped studying and talked to me, lol
*Does #10 have any pets? don't think so
*Is #12 older than you? yep... one year
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