So, to those who noticed, I was gone this weekend to DC for a concert. My first not broadway show since I was like, 15? It's been along time..and It was really awesome. And I want to tell you about it ALL through PICTURE LOVE!
So we start off by going into DC, and I see many odd things. Firstly I thought it was cool to take a picture of a pretzel I did, amd Car Pictures suck.
Then I see a sign that says "No Standing" And that made me LOL silently cause my dad was pissed off at traffic.
Then we got to the parking lot, parked, and had an hour wait. In the snow, and I forgot my coat, not knowing it was going to be like, 35 degrees outside. So I stood there for an hour freezing my fingers to the point where I couldn't walk cause mt toes would of died. My mom raninto her old friend though, which was amusing. Her good friend that moved away oneday, and they remet at a NBB concert. AND I WASN"T THE OLDEST THERE YAAY!
So then we get inside, cause the peoples said it was time, and we waited for about five inutes in this room, probably so we all could defrost. And All VIP peoples got free posters and a fuzzy sticker saying VIP, but you'llsee that on me.
ANd then we got to the room, and OMG I WAS SO CLOSE TO NAT AND ALEX..EEEP So first we got to listen to the sound check and everyone took 8 million pictures
Then I spotted Alex being all random alone, so I took pics of him. Hehe, mostly he's sitting:
Then some Q&A,which I didn't ask any, but my dad was gonna, but then didn't get called on, so my dad just talked to their parents. yes, He talked to Nat and Alex's mom and Dad.
While in line..^
Me meeting them:
Hehe, I said earily happy birthday to nat, and late happy birthday to Alex, cause Alex's birthdy was Nov 1, and Nat's is Dec 17, and then they asked me when mine was and I said March 14 and then they wished me a early happy birthday, Yea it's true. 8D
Then I went to get my shirt-no picture of it yet- and my mom had to fight off my seat because people were like"RAAWR SHE HAS GOOD SEAT!" ANdD some stupid girls came and sat next to me, and they only stayed for the opening act, which was good becuse they left afterwards, but was annoying because they were like"OMG I LOVVE YOU SAVANNAH!" And then some other lady came and it was annoying because she pushed some VIP girls out of their seats, so her daughter could sit there. Yes, she SAID her daughter was blind, but I think it was rude of her to kick out some girls who were there first, and whenever someone went infront of them (which most people did) she called security on them. Next time RESERVE a certain seat lady, and don't kick out someone who spent twice as much as you for that seat.(VIP tickets=50,regular=20)
And then the opening act came, SAVANNAH AKA THAT YOUTUBE GIRL and she wasn't bad. Reminded me loads of hannah Montana, but she was pretty good.
Then Nat ccame out, teasing some fo the fans at first, and you could easily tell then who wasn't VIP, cause they freaked out over like, seeing a blade of hair. But the concert was amazing.
Lol,Nat's whiny face amuses me.
FINALLY AN ALEX PICTURE OF HIM SINGING! Alex was SO hard to capture because 1, he's on drums, and 2, because he's literally tiny. Literally. He's adorable though, and most pictures of him on drums were really hard to see, and it most of his elbow.
and then more pics of Nat
Nat's a very violent dancer at times, lol. He's literaly running around like"WHOOOO,AYYEE! *head bang*" And he sounds great live. GREAT! Even though his voice got deeper, It was really amazing. He's so wild, and really as friendly as on TV.
And then the concert came to end and Alex came out and was like"You know, we could just sit and stare at you all night, OOOOOOOR we could play another song!" he made us scream for the song though, and so they ended with "I'm OUT!" which is one of my least favorite songs, but it was awesome live. Oh and this quote from the concert amuses the gay side of me"What are you Alex""I"M OUT!"
then Nat ended like"WOAAAHH!"
And that, was an awesome day to be forever awesome.
I had more pics,and my mom has a video of nat singing Crazy Car, but my cam died in the middle of uploading most pictures, but I got a majority of em.