Seriously why do my Sims keep getting abducted when I don't want them too? I didn't mind so much when it happened with Phoenix, as long as his spawn gets his ears it'll be able to inherite.[Spoiler (click to open)] -
- Phoenix: "Seriously? I've just been abducted by aliens and that's all you care about?" Oh be quiet you. You're a Knowledge Sim anyway. - So imagine my surprise when the spouse of this generation decided that he should be in on the alien party. -
- Yeah. I thought making him a PlantSim would be enough but aparantly he didn't like the fact that Phoenix went on a date with an alien and came back with a gift. - But you're regretting that now huh Neil? Neil: "AAHHHHHHHH!" - Yeah this guys not at all a Knowledge Sim so not only did he come back with his own little present, too many people in the house, but now I'm going to have to deal with his crying fits for the next week. -
- See? He's even irritating Phoenix. Phoenix: "Would you stop crying? It wasn't that bad." Neil: "You're a Knowledge Sim! Of course it wouldn't be as bad for you!" - I swear to god it better not be mutiples. I haven't got the room! I swear I've got twins, triplets and quads on really low and yet Phoenix has someone managed to have 2 sets of triplets. Hell even his spawn would have been either quads or triplets if I hadn't kept leaving without saving.