Feb 01, 2020 15:49
Are you liking what I'm doing so-far? Conversely, have you got any bones to pick with me about my shitty characterization? Please, be honest with me here and let me know what you think! ♥ I'm always striving my hardest to improve my gameplay, and believe me when I say that I can take whatever advice you've got to give and that I will do my best to improve if you point-out something that's horridly wrong with my characterization to me!
Anon commenting is ON, but comments are not screened at this time simply because I always get super nervous about giving concrit to someone else if I think that they must've already been told as much before, and I think that I must not be the only one! So lay it on me, don't be shy, and if you don't want your identity to be known by strangers BUT you wanna' personally critique my playing and have me know who you are, just PM Matt's account here and I'll be more than grateful to give it a read!
how's my driving?,
rp critique