Big Announcement, Very Important!

Mar 08, 2010 15:21

Well, now that I've got your attention... ;-)

There's a big announcement indeed, even though it's not news as such: you all know it's been coming for a long time. But, this time, it's for real, it's really, really, real.

On Thursday 11 March 2010, I will be receiving my BA degree in English Language and Culture!!

Whoop! 5 years of studying and hard work have paid off! (Well, I didn't study much in the year my mother got ill and died, but I'm counting it as technically I was studying then.)

I can hardly believe it's finally done - excitement, astonishment, and plain disbelief are currently vying for attention in my brain (excitement is winning, mostly.) I wasn't going to post until after I'd received my diploma, because to be honest, I still think that at some point, someone is going to jump at me from behind a desk or tree or door and say there's something not quite right (like I'll have to sit all of my exams again because they don't believe I passed them), and no way is the venerable and ancient institution that is the University of Leiden going to smudge its reputation by giving ME a diploma. But it seems my plain unworthiness has slipped under the radar...

I am now working on my MA, but I'm taking that a little slower (one course per semester). So now you know what I've been so busy with lately, and I hope to be around a bit more from now on.

I am SO happy, I think a Big Squee is allowed....


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