Public Transport Fail.

Dec 21, 2009 10:01

When I looked out the window this morning, there was even more snow. I can't remember having seen this much snow in my life - not counting trips to Norway and such. So I felt it coming... and indeed:

I spent 2.5 hours on public transport this morning to end up where I started from: home.

* fail *

I talked to boss D while at the The Hague train station, where I did manage to get, but from there there weren't any trams and only limited buses. The poor guy at the bus information stand said that, yes, I could get to work, using three different buses and taking up to two hours. (This normally being a 15 minute tram trip). When I conveyed that message to Boss D, she suggested I go home and work from there instead. Which is what I am now trying to do, however, I can't log on to the Office Network because there are "too many users". Yeah. That'll be the rest of my co-workers who couldn't get to work this morning.

I'm honestly annoyed because there is a LOT of work to be done and I want to get it finished before the end of the year.

However, this is out of my hands. I'll be patient and keep trying to log on. In the meantime... I'll have a cuppa tea and watch BBC breakfast TV.  From my sofa. Wilst cuddling cat. I don't get that in the office a lot...

the office, winter depression, life

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