Give It Away And It Comes Back To You

Sep 21, 2008 13:14

One of the best ways to make me feel better is to give to others. If I can take my mind off of myself, my perspective seems to shift.

I have a chance to do something I've never dreamed of: be a monster in a haunted house!

On of the local haunted houses has been featured on the Travel Channel for several years as one of the best in the nation, both in effects, and for the amount of money that they raise for charity. I've been to many haunted houses in the past, but I've never been to this one because it seemed way too scary for me.

So when the message came through this week that they were looking for volunteers to provide the "talent", I jumped at the chance!! Now I could be the one to make someone else jump out of their skin! I could see behind the scenes and know for one and for all that no matter how real it looked and sounded, the chainsaws really had no chains.

I've never been a fan of Halloween. I was never really allowed to dress up and go trick or treating as a child, so this was one holiday that passed me by. As a young adult, I found myself adopting new ways to spend this night. Usually this meant going to see a scary movie with a friend. It was safe. It was controlled. It was over before bedtime.

But as an adult, I found myself being asked to do more for Halloween. There were costume parties to go to and haunted houses to face. I hate being scared and it took years for me to finally say yes to going through a place where something horrific was waiting for me around every turn.

But what if I was the thing waiting around the corner? Could I be afraid if I knew the other people in the house? Would it have the same effect if I knew what made the things go "bump" in the night?

I am excited to try something new. I can't wait to be "made up" and see the reactions I get from others.

And I love knowing that with every hour I donate, a charity benefits.

I can't imagine that being a monster in a haunted house will allow me to feel anything but happy. I won't be me. I will be wearing a costume and make-up so unlike my real self that for a while, I can pretend to be someone else.

I want to believe that by reaching out (literally?) and making someone else smile, that I will too.

Anyone who lives in Ft. Worth or Dallas and wants to join me can visit:
Just click on volunteers!

charity, overcoming fear, playing dress up, giving to others, personal growth

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