Mar 07, 2008 16:15
Pearls are the only gemstone that are created by a living thing. A small irritant, usually a grain of sand, enters the oyster, and in response, the oyster coates the irritant with layer upon layer of "nacre". It is this "nacre" that gives the pearl its appearance. Over time, the grain of sand becomes a pearl.
I think about pearls a lot. Oysters take their obstacle, the "irritant" in their lives, and create something beautiful out of it. It takes time, but using the resources the oyster naturally has, something magnificent is created.
I think as human beings we have the same resources and the same choice with regards to the challenges we face in our lives. Out of tragedy, a new life can be created.
When I think of the obstacles in my life as opportunities to create "pearls", my perspective changes. If I never had an obstacle, I would never grow as a person or learn anything new. Like it or not, I need as many grains of sand in my life as I can get.
One day, I will pass from this world and my life will be "cut open", examined and scrutinzed. I hope that when that happens, I am filled with pearls. The world will be amazed at their diversity in color, size and shape. But these pearls, the legacies of my life, will speak volumes about how I was able to take the irritants of my life and turn them in to something amazing.
life lessons,