Aug 07, 2007 17:50
One of the hardest concepts for my students to wrap their minds around is this: you can't get something for nothing. Nothing in this world is free. And I mean nothing. Feelings are not free, they come at a price. If you self-injure, you know what I mean. Time is not free, neither are resources or personal energy. The idea that a person can get "something for nothing" is a misnomer.
In the early days of this country, every person had to literally fight for survival each day. Pestilence, disease, malnutrition, the elements, the harshness of the land and foreign invaders threatened their lives constantly. Every bite of food, head of livestock or piece of clothing was sacrificed for in a deeply personal way. Women would work in the fields side by side with their husbands, only to then go home, cook, do laundry, care for the children, and prepare for the next day of labor. Individuals sacrificed with fervor because if they didn't, their land and lives would potentially be lost.
As the generations passed and the threat of death or invasion wasn't as imminent, people grew more "relaxed" in their efforts. The sunup to sundown work ethic remained, but farmers had the luxury of expanding their fields with their efforts rather than just maintaining them. If a neighbor needed a helping hand, the favor was returned with another favor. No one expected a "free ride", and none were given. If you lacked the discipline to take care of your fields or family, they suffered.
In more modern times of economic prosperity, the idea of "free gifts" appeared by merchants as a way of encouraging people to buy. These gifts were not free of course, but by making the person who was spending their money feel like they were getting a good deal and a "little extra", the money changed hands more freely.
Today, we are bombarded with this idea of getting something for nothing. Commercials promote this "buy one, get one free" mentality, and shoppers buy it, not realizing that the price of the one has often been inflated to compensate for the supposed "free" one.
Americans are the fattest people on the planet thanks to super-sizing meals and high calorie sodas. Although the person may not have spent extra money for the "extra" food, their cost has come in the form of extra weight, higher blood pressures and an increase in medical problems like diabetes.
Charitable giving isn't free. People work hard for their money and to donate it to a worthy cause is a sacrifice.
Time is valuable and to give it away is also worthy sacrifice.
A friendly word isn't free. It takes time and consideration to stop and share those thoughts with others.
Volunteering isn't free. Taking care of children isn't free. Education isn't free. Health care isn't free. Being a good person isn't free.
But they are all incredibly important!
Individuals shouldn't want something for nothing. If you haven't worked for it, chances are you won't value or appreciate it. By giving of yourself, you are becoming a harder worker, a better person, a more valuable citizen to this country.
Nothing in this world is without small print. The APR rates on credit cards should tell you this.
We should all be willing to give of ourselves, our time and our resources in order to make this world a better place. To want to do otherwise is an insult to those who have gone before us, sacrificing, many with their lives, to build a foundation of hope and opportunity that we all stand on today.
charitable giving,
work ethic,
emotional energy,