Sep 19, 2008 20:32


Fandom: Yuugioh
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Occupation: Therapist

Appearance: Mokuba is one of those guys that have a not-so-manly physique. The kind that trades jeans with his girlfriend. Mokuba isn't very tall, compared to his brother, who is over 6 foot. He's about 5'7, and he's angry at the world that he didn't grow more than that. He's got dark hair, and he used to keep it long, as in to your butt long, but after his brother paid the barber a little something extra to get rid of it, he's begrudgingly kept it short. He's got greyish eyes, not blue. Nope. Too desaturated.

Personality: Mokuba is a very reserved person. He's not the type of person who would stop you on the street and strike up conversation. But he's very intelligent, and tends to be very, very snarky. He keeps his personal life and generally things that bother him to himself. Not to say he doesn't talk about himself, but he keeps the important stuff close to his chest. He tends to be over-critical of everyone, and analyzes every single situation he's within an inch of its life. He's good at reading people, and he generally maintains a pretty negative outlook on life.

However, those people who do get close get everything, good and the bad. He loves and cares intensely for those he lets in, and he'll do anything and everything for you. His brother is one person in that inner circle. And not many others get that close. For all his faults, Mokuba is a good person. He wants to help people overcome their problems, and he tries to help anyone achieve their goals. While he's not always as sympathetic as he appears, he does truly care. He's very good at his job, and can identify with people you never would think he would.

History: Mokuba and his brother had a horrible life. When they were both very young, both of their parents died and they were sent to an orphanage. Life in the orphanage was hard, and the two brothers became even closer than they were before. Mokuba tended to get picked on, and often, and his brother was always there to take care of him. And one day, a very powerful man strode into their lives.

He would have been happy just to adopt Seto, Mokuba's brother, because Seto was a genius. He was insanely intelligent. And Seto refused to go without his brother. So this man, an insanely rich weapons engineer named Gozaburo Kaiba, took both of them, and both were hopeful that this would be a turning point in their lives, bringing them to a better place. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Gozaburo was awful to both of them, physically and mentally abusive. The brothers endured it for years until one day, in an unfortunate accident, Gozaburo fell out a window on the top floor of his buisiness, Kaiba Corp, and died. Seto and Mokuba inherited his company, Seto being CEO and Mokuba being Vice President, and the company was changed into a producer of toys and video games.

Mokuba has always been there to support his older brother, who gained a keen interest in dueling when he was beaten by a short little nobody named Yuugi Motou. They went from Duel Tournament to Tournament, even getting stuck in his brothers video game for a point in time. But through all of it, they stuck together. However, as Mokuba got older, he grew dissatisfied with the business-oriented lifestyle. He started college at age 17, graduated early and got his Master in Psychology. He's had a placement year to get his license.

Mokuba has been through a lot in his childhood; abuse, neglect, lack of confidence, and dependence on his brother. And it took a lot for him to become close to 'normal', even though compared to others, he doesn't even resemble normality. He has a few OCD tendencies, and claustrophobia. But Mokuba genuinely wants to help others, because he doesn't want anyone to suffer like he did.

Symptoms: Mokuba has a few Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies, but not very extreme. His Claustrophobia is more prominent when he's stressed or tired.


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None Yet!

Come ride with me
Through the veins of history
I'll show you a God
Who falls asleep on the job

And how can we win?
When fools can be Kings
Don't waste your time
Or time will waste you...

No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive
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