State of the Jen

Aug 01, 2010 13:13

Wow! Seriously, guys, it's been...TWO months since I've updated? I've had a lot to say, just no time to really say it! Life is...not good, not bad.

1. My job. I'm just...not happy. I have applications for FOUR places, I've been thinking about this for about a month and I realize that a month is not adequate time to fill out an application, turn it in, wait, get a call back, and get an interview, so I'm giving it six months. Barnes & Noble isn't hiring right now, I kind of missed the boat, but I'm going to wait and try again. When it comes to my desk job, the good part is, I'm no longer stressed out. But when I was stressing and getting anxious, it was because I wanted to do a good job. Now I just don't care, and that's not okay with me. I checked in the floral department, but they're not hiring right now, either. So my long-term goal is Barnes & Noble, obviously, and my short-term goal is the floral department. I guess I'll just have to wait it out.

2. Oh, Kiddie Pool. We would make really good friends, but a relationship just wouldn't work. We'd have to really work at it, and I'm just not there right now, and he probably doesn't have the time or desire to do it either. It takes a lot of the pressure off. We'll hang out, but there's not going to be drama. If he meets someone, cool, whatever. I'm not attached.

3. Life is good. I'm 28 now!(eeek!) and I'm really getting to be in charge of my own happiness. My job sucks? Change it. Boy situation murky? Get that resolved. So that's what I'm doing. I wish I could leave Wegmans for good, because I don't think there's anything there for me anymore, but I can't right now. So I'm doing the best I can. Fandom continues to make me happy.

4. My sister texted me last night that Logan Marshall-Green got engaged, but I haven't seen anything on the news. My sister, so silly, playing a practical joke on me! It's probably legit, but until I see it, I'm in denial, lol. And also? John Krasinski is married. *cries* So sad.

5. Friday Night Lights! EEEEEEEE! I'm loving this season. All the newbies are awesome. With the slight exception of Becky, she's kind of annoying.
But Vince is my heart. I love him. And Jess! Jess & Landry! YAAAAAY! They are so cute. Jesse Plemons, I love you.

Tim and Billy continue to make my day. Um, boys? Breaking down cars and selling car parts is ILLEGAL. Duh. Also, is the middle name of Billy's baby really Hannibal? Hee! That's why I love those Riggins boys.

So that's me. I'm pretty much obsessed with the idea of getting a new job, so I'm not that much fun to be around. LJ isn't fun when it's all whiny.

real life, every night is friday night

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