I love this song. *sigh* If I ever get married, I'm having it played at my wedding. I loved this band(eastmountainsouth) before they split up and when I found Peter Bradley Adams' solo CD, "leavetaking", for eleven bucks at Barnes & Noble, well...I didn't buy dinner! So that kind of balances it out. Right?
Actually, that's not true. I bought turkey. For sandwiches. Because I can't just eat tacos all week, even though I would really like to. And even in making tacos myself I save, like $8 that would be spent at Moe's. Eventually, I wised up and said "dude, I could just do this myself!" I do only go there once a week, but still.
I do miss the addition of Kat Maslich(the other half of EMS) on some of the tracks, but his voice alone is enough incentive for me to enjoy this disc. His voice is amazing. It makes you want to crawl into bed(preferably with someone, but I like Twizzlers) and nap and watch movies. Roommate is gone all weekend(she'll probably be back on Saturday afternoon or Sunday because she works).
The Ex-List continues to be charming and worthwhile Friday night entertainment. Although I do miss my FNL boys somethin' fierce. Every Wednesday, I kinda cry, because...people out there are watching FNL! And I'm NOT! I know that there are bigger things to cry about, like the economy and all the starving children all over the world that Angelina Jolie hasn't adopted yet, but it's not FAAAAIR! *sigh*
http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/10/simpson.newtrial/index.html Dude. I'm sorry. Karma made you her bitch. It's sad, but even if you have a new trial, the first "OJ Case" has left an indelible mark on history that can't be erased. It's always going to be in the back of people's minds.
http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/10/palin.investigation/index.html Ha. Ha, Sarah Palin. Don't abuse your power, bitch. This woman continues to frighten me. I would much rather hear what McCain is up to instead of solely focusing on Palin. She's more of a punchline for me than anything else. I bet McCain's thrilled that they(the press) aren't not sorting through his dirty laundry. Shouldn't he have an illegitimate child or a failed breathalyzer test somewhere?