Jon Stewart does not believe you.

Aug 31, 2008 12:48

Okay. Not...not so sure about this chick. First off, she's from ALASKA. WTF? Second off

"Palin is pro-life, pro-contraception, and a prominent member of Feminists for Life. She opposes the use of abortion even in cases of rape or incest."

Yeah, hi, no. Red Flag numbero DOS. I'm pro-choice 100%, keep your laws off my body.

I need a fun politics tag. I usually shy away from political debates on this here LJ, but Palin's got me all whipped up into a frenzy. Should we call McCain/Palin...McPain? The last thing we need is another crazy old white man in the White House, thank you. We had eight years of one, we don't need four years of another.

Also? This is her husband. I was right, he does work for BP(BIG OIL!)

When asked about her "crowning achievement" during her time as governor, she listed protecting "our state sovereignty by taking on the big oil industry interests."

This is from Wikipedia. How impartial can you really be when the man you married works for the same industry that you are "taking on" while you claim to be "protecting the state". Something is fishy in the state of Alaska. Also, if she is VP under McCain and gas prices go up, who gets rich? Big Oil aka, her husband. Just throwing that out there.

Also, her daughter is pregnant and not married. OUCHIE. I know that she is strongly "pro-contraception", but that makes me laugh a little bit. If she really were pro-contraception, she would have paid a little more attention and gotten her daughter on the Pill and sat that boy down and told him to "wrap that puppy". Practice what you preach, lady. Who is going to wind up raising that poor baby? Methinks it will be YOU.

And the hits just keep on coming. I almost feel bad for her, having to be a mom and wife, and a politician with a clear stance on issues like abortion and Big Oil. I just feel that she won't be really..impartial, at least with her daughter, you know, because it's HER DAUGHTER and it's going to hurt her because she's saying one thing and doing another.

She won't be getting the pity vote from me, though. It just seems like where she is on the issues is butting heads with her personal life.

wtf, politics

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