Title: Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight (Another Skyline Disappears)
Fandom/Pairing: JE, Ryo/Koyama
Rating: G
Summary: It's on the covers of all the tabloids. Too wild, should have never debuted, Johnny's mistake... Kanjani8 is put on hiatus.
A/N: Originally posted
here as part of
Sometimes, dreams and faith aren't enough. )
Comments 6
He pets Nishikido's hair until Nishikido uncurls his body and presses his nose against Koyama's collarbone.
Koyama breathes in and stills, his fingers resting in between the notches of Nishikido's spine.
I really love your imagery in this story and quote these as perfect specimens.
"You leaving NEWS could end everything I've ever dreamed of." Koyama lays on his back and Nishikido can see Koyama's heart breaking on his face.
"You'll find a new dream," Nishikido says.
AGH. RYO YOU BASTARD. That's what I kept thinking. How could you watch Koyama hurt like that and STILL break him?
It was just...heart-rending. But so beautiful that I didn't even mind. Thank you.
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