I’m going to try combining a couple of posts I want to make here, since they’re both about crowdfunding. Don’t worry, I’ll save you from most of the spiel about the one I’m part of at the moment because I already have two posts about that one.
Instead, I want to draw your attention to some other campaigns that are running right now. I’ll also weave
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Comments 2
I have a lot of feelings about crowdfunding, most of them positive. A lot of the things I back are things that I would happily purchase anyway, so the fact that I get to help it come to light just makes me extra invested in the projects and their creators.
That's a pretty good short summary of my feels. XD (The negative side of it is mostly things like, "Why would you want me to pay THAT much to support your project?" but that's more a case of someone not doing enough research into how to run a successful campaign).
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