Art Post: Guarding the Heart

Nov 14, 2012 00:01

Title: Guarding the Heart
Author: donovanspen
Artist: comedicdrama
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/AU, Drama, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing(s): Dean/Cas, Sam/Sarah, John/Mary
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,577
Warnings: Mild description of injuries, language, sexual content

Summary: Working at his family's private security firm in Maryland, Dean Winchester is frustrated by his ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

donovanspen November 14 2012, 07:21:20 UTC
This is such a lovely piece. You always do such a beautiful job of showing their expressions.


comedicdrama November 14 2012, 12:52:59 UTC
Thanks! That's the goal. Glad you liked it. I was happy to work with you, despite all the kinks along the way.


donovanspen November 14 2012, 18:08:54 UTC
That's very sweet of you to say, especially since I definitely threw you some curve balls! I'm glad it all worked out because this is so wonderful.


agustin1982 November 14 2012, 09:33:04 UTC
I Love it^^ This Amazing^^


comedicdrama November 14 2012, 12:53:14 UTC
Thank you!


Edition 2,393 livejournal November 15 2012, 01:40:13 UTC
User waterofthemoon referenced to your post from Edition 2,393 saying: [...] by Fanart Art for Guarding the Heart [...]


pinkyapples November 15 2012, 11:54:59 UTC
This is lovely, especially your Sam.


comedicdrama November 15 2012, 19:29:11 UTC
Aww, thanks.


remivel November 18 2012, 15:53:40 UTC
This looks so so so good. I love it. Great work!


comedicdrama November 19 2012, 08:56:34 UTC
Yay, thanks.


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