For the non-drummers out there/Road Rage/Weekend

Jun 09, 2006 15:07

Try the paradiddle today.
Right-left-right-right | left-right-left-left | repeat

If you're going to try and be cool drumming along on your steering wheel whilst driving in traffic, at least learn a couple applicable bits so you can really pull off the great "fool everyone and think I'm knowledgably rocking out" mind trick.
Perhaps if you figure it out, I'll throw up another 5th grade rudiment.

To those who possess zero rhythm, buy a hand drum, honestly. So much has a rhythm to it in our lives, you might as well jump on the train, children.

For those with some slight road rage out there. Do you try to set an example when someone in front of you ticks you off? Do you yell at them in the safety of your own vehicle? Do you honk at them incessantly?

Are you the type who sees the vehicle that says "Road Rage killed my daughter, XX/XX/XXXX" Was she a shitty driver? Probably. I wouldn't say she deserved death, not to mention the persons vehicle didn't say exactly how it happened, of course. Just some slight babble, was thinking about road rage yesterday.

I have pretty much smooched my weekend away. WWS night rehearsal tonight. WWS concert tomorrow night. Sousa. Don't go.
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