No Laughing Matter - (Part Four)

Apr 04, 2009 02:21

Title: No Laughing Matter
Rating: R, possibly NC-17 for this chapter.
Pairing: Eddie, OCs
Warning: Some language, more explicit sexual fantasies & some violence.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Watchmen...but I wouldn't mind if I did.
Author note: This is a continuation of the last portion. The Comedian is now off on on his adventure. Keep this is shortly after he assignates Kennedy, before Nam, but maybe a week or two after the Minutemen meeting. Now I should mention I'm fudging a bit with the time I'm sure. Additonally, I tried to catch all of my typos but I'm sure there are still a few in there...please don't kill me! Also if you like, this portion let me know and I will post more! One final thing this ~*~*~*~*~ means there is a jump in time in the story...whether that is a little amount of time or little. Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it! :^)

Great, he thought as they walked down to the restaurant. He could have said no, but might as well let her join him. Apart of him was hoping to get a quick piece while down there, but not now.

Then again, he thought, part of him didn’t want to have to settle with anything when Julia was right in front of him. With her, he knew he would not have to worry about where she had been. Maybe he would say and do all the right things in order to get her into bed he mused. Perhaps if he played this smooth enough, daddy would never be the wiser. He could not stop from smirking.

Shortly after just standing in the doorway, the girl that had just propositioned him the other day ushered them into the dining room. Once seated she gave them their menus and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen, he looked over the entrees, he could think of much better entrees, as he glanced at Julia.

Finally deciding on something, he looked out through the slated window. Damn, the rain was coming down so heavily that the buildings from across the street obscured.

The girl came back a few minutes later. “Anything I can get you sir?” She gave him a smile.

He smiled back. “I’ll have a scotch, and the steak.” He gave her the menu; the he turned his attention back to Julia. He turned his smile on full force with her. Did he detect a hint of a blush he couldn’t be sure.

“I’ll have a coco a cola. And I’ll have the steak as well.” So, she had an appetite that was refreshing to see he admitted to himself.

Then he watched as she handed the menu to the girl, watching the curve of her wrist he wondered what she would do if held them tightly above her head as he would enter her.

“Be back shortly.”

Her deep blue eyes focused on him. “Now, I want you to know I’m very flattered about you coming down here to come and rescue me but as you can see there was no need.”

“Oh, come on.” He tried to keep his tone soft, suppressing the annoyance this rose in him. “Let’s not talk about that.”

She bit her lip, a haughty sternness fell over her features but as fast as it appeared, it disappeared. She cocked her head to one side she smiled. “Daddy’s paying you a lot isn’t he?”

Blake was insulted; under the table, he made a fist.

“Listen,” He said in a deadly tone, leaning towards her. He waited to continue as the girl came with their drinks; he took the glass that held his scotch, and downed it. “Get me another.” He barked, not even looking at the girl. She took the glass and quickly went away.

“Oh, that is brilliant.” She mocked.

He chose to ignore that remark. “Listen, he may be paying me but I am also doing this for the sake of our country.” Where the hell, had that come from he asked himself. Sure, it was a matter of security to have her back but to him, helping to free a country from a dictator or from Communism, now that helped the country not rescuing some damn spoiled princess.

Blake watched as she twisted the cap off the glass bottle and took a swig, her full lips circling the glass. His blood already rushing hotly because of his annoyance now ran hot with desire. He envisioned demanding her to go under their table and wrapping those full lips around his hardened member. He would hold her head in place with one hand, while with the other he'd sip at his scotch or take drags from his cigar. He smirked; the girl came back with another scotch. This time he took a sip and placed it in front of him on the table.

“If you know who I am, then you know what daddy paid for.” He said to her, winking. Reaching into his suit jacket he took out a cigar, he lit in and took a deep drag before puffing the smoke out, above them.

She sighed, bringing his attention back to her, he watched as she laid the cool bottle against her throat. She took a sip then, placed it near his glass. “Yeah, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.” Not that it mattered in the least but what the hell, had she heard about him.

“Look,” She continued. “I forgot to check in for a few days, I got side tracked helping those women out there. Can’t I just call him, tell him I’m alright and send you back. I’ll tell him that he should still pay you.” She gave him a sly smile, she leaned forward somewhat. “He listens to me, he’ll do it.” Then she grabbed his scotch glass and down it, shortly afterward she coughed and sputtered, holding her throat, her eyes watering.

“Here baby, it burns going down doesn’t it. You had better drink this. ” He held out her bottle of coke, gasping she grabbed it, he held onto it resisting the force of her tug. “And no matter what you say, you’re still coming back with me.” Then he let go of the bottle, she rocked backward with his unexpected release of the bottle. Blake watched as she downed the rest of the cola, a smirk playing curling his lips.

The girl came back with food. “Here your orders.” Then she smiled at him. “Another scotch?”

“Yes.” He gestured towards, Julia who just finished her cola. “I think she needs another one of those.” She only nodded; he finished the last of his cigar. Hunger making his stomach does a flip he began slicing into his steak.

Then she cleared her throat once the girl was out of earshot. “That wasn’t very nice.”

Shrugging, he smiled. “You’re the one who drank the scotch, I didn’t tell you to do that.”

He could see her controlling herself. “Fine.” She said after a heavy sigh. “I’ll go back with you,” Then to quietly to herself peering out the window. “And then I’m coming right back.”

Blake leaned towards her. “And that is none of my concern.” He went back to his steak, seeing her startled expression delighted him seeing that he had managed to possibly, unnerve even if it was a little bit.


As dinner ended between them, he began to think better of pursing something with her. She just wasn’t worth it; she was too much of a bother. As he caught sight of her body, once again as she stood up, he couldn’t help but think the night was still young, he could still try to pursue her. He insisted on paying, that would at least give some kind of foundation for this evening at the very least, he mused. Once in the main lobby of the hotel, they paused. He was eager to get to the bar, possibly have another drink or two, maybe persuade to dance a little with her. She looked at him, for once she looked as young as she was.

“Blake,” She gestured upstairs. “I’m going to take a shower and lay down. I’ve missed the feel of a bed.”

What else do you miss the feel of, he thought. “Alright,” Out of the corner of his eye, through the glass in the door he could just make out their jeep coming down the street. Perhaps there would be some good news about their travel arrangements. “Oh, there’s Alban." He gestured with his thumb. “I’m going to go and talk with him.”

“Alright, let me know about our travel arrangements once you know something.” She began making her way up the stairs.

He was glad, they had gotten the extra key at that moment, the last thing he wanted to do was walk her up and then make sure she was locked in. “Lock the door behind you, and be sure to check the bed before you get in.” He smirked; we wouldn’t want anything to get you he thought.

“Ok, I will.” She said, then turning she hurried up the rest of the steps, he watched her turned the corner. He knew he shouldn’t let her out of his sight, but he wanted news on their travel arrangements as soon as possible.

In quick strides, he made it to the door, opening it walked out onto the rather sizable overhang. Alban, appeared to be driving faster than he had first noticed, perhaps that was a good sign. Maybe he had found out that they could get out that night, excitement rose in him. They could be back in the states before they knew it and he could get a piece of ass then. He wouldn’t have to bother with her.

Barely stopping the jeep, Alban jumped out of the jeep. Seeing this upset him, he ran down towards the man, the rain already beginning to soak through his clothes.

“Blake, Blake” He waved his hands. “Get…”

Two shots rang through the air, Blake watched as the first took Alban square in his back, throwing him forward, the next caught him in the head, blood and tissue flew out of the front of the man's face. With what was left of his face, Blake could see a surprised expression on Alban’s face. He immediately drew one of his guns, holding it down in front of him he looked around. He didn’t see anything except the falling rain. Then he quickly backed up the steps.

Over what he could only, assume was a megaphone of sorts he heard in broken English. “You two next.”

A bullet whizzed by his head and hit the wood of the doorframe, the glass in the door cracked. Tearing the door open, he ran into the cover of the lobby.

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