Microfilm et Folie A Deux (part three)

May 08, 2009 01:20

Title: Microfilm et Folie A Deux (part three)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Eddie, OCs
Warning: Eddie reflecting on his emotions, Memory of sex, kind of fluffy & sweet.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Watchmen...but I wouldn't mind if I did.
Author note: This is Adventure #3 and it is now April 1966. The title translates literally from French to Microfilm & A Madness Shared by Two) The Comedian is now discovering a new side of himself in between adventures as he decides to see what it is like to really care and love for someone for the first time since he had fallen for Sally. Like before this is shortly after he assignates Kennedy, before Nam, but maybe a week or two after the Watchmen meeting. Now I should mention I'm fudging a bit with the time I'm sure. Additionally, I tried to catch all of my typos but I'm sure there are still a few in there...please don't kill me! One final thing this ~*~*~*~*~ means there is a jump in time in the story...whether that is a little amount of time or little. Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it!

When he awoke, the soft sound of Julia breathing filled his ear; he felt her soft body curled up in the nook of his shoulder, one hand lying softly on his chest. In the last three months, he had almost forgotten what that felt like, the same moment he enjoyed the feel of it he also felt stifled. He had been in Paris for a week now. A part of him enjoyed and relished in the time two of them shared. It wasn’t until he had her in he arms just how much he had missed her. Though at the same time, he had felt that familiar tightness he had felt when she first breathed in his ear of her love for him. It was something he had never thought he would hear a woman utter, he had been sure he’d never deserve it.

Now, on some level he knew that he deserved to love like the next man. All those months ago, a part of him kept on thinking that this was just mere attraction and soon he would tire of her but he did not. If anything seeing her steadily was something, he looked forward to especially when he would come home after carrying out a mission. In the end, he stopped struggling against what felt so right and admitted to himself that he in fact cared for her deeply. He would even say that he loved her though he had not spoken the words aloud to her. A few times, he wanted to but they would get stuck, refusing to pass his lips. Yet, she would still say it to him, each time she would a pang would go through his heart. She never questioned, his lack of reply of that in return. He wondered about that but he knew that she was smart and she wasn’t the type to complain or question, that made the entire situation much better than he ever would have expected.

In these months apart, he had tried to pursue a hot one-night stand one particular evening but he just could not do it. Something in him had stopped it from going any further then a mutual flirtation at the bar. Physically, he had wanted to take her home to forget about the pangs the distance that separated Julia and him brought, to forget about how he would wake up as hard as he would be if he was with her. But it did no happen.

He was being ridiculous, he thought as he gazed down at her eyelashes that lay softly on her cheeks casting shadows down them. It was a sight, one of many that made him feel good. He felt annoyed with himself that he had not been able vocalize his feelings. He could do it easily enough if he was angry or annoyed with something but this was just too hard.

Why did he over analyze every situation, he wondered annoyed with himself. Kissing the top of her head, he eased himself out of the bed; she made a soft sound but remained asleep. Stretching, he removed his shirt and pants, they smelled of their night out dancing, he needed to rinse off. Then maybe he would get some room service and wake her up.

Going into the bathroom, he closed the door behind him. He stared into the mirror; he was also amazed at the risks the two of them had been making since being back in each other’s arms. They could not keep their hands off each other, if they had been in the states they would never be able to act like this but here there was a kind of freedom. All of it had made him feel so young. It was almost better then some of the action his missions would get him in, the thrill of excitement coursed through his veins.

Walking over to the shower he turned the knobs onto hot, he’d let it heat up first. Looking in the mirror again he smirked as he remembered how they had driven out to the countryside, not being able to wait any longer, he had pulled off to the side of the road. Easily she had come over to him, straddling him and the two had sex right there, not even caring when the sky had opened up and soaked them to the bone. He could still see how her shirt had become transparent; her wet strands of hair bouncing as she rode him. Shaking his head, he knew they were drunk on passion-fueled madness. Giving his a reflection a final smirk before it became completely obscured, he decided that he should enjoy their time, because once back in the states what they share would be like what was happening to his reflection and he disliked that very much.


He wrapped a towel around his hips; the shower had done him good. He felt clearer in the head, even more relaxed. He felt fantastic and free finally making the decision himself.

Making his way into the small bedroom, he saw that she was still sleeping soundly it made him smile. He walked onto to the main room, and called down for some room service. Afterward, he went back to his suitcase, he snapped one of them open reaching under the clothes, he grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms, he dropped the towel. Behind him, he heard a tiny giggle someone was awake, he smiled. Turning, he saw her smiling at him. It made his heart pick up speed.

“So you’re awake sleepy head, I thought I was going to have to wake you when the room service arrived.” She scooted over when he came and sat down beside her.

“Oh, you got room service. That’s perfect I’m starving.”

“We worked up quite the appetite didn’t we?” He winked at her as he cupped her cheek, before leaning in for a kiss. Her lips were so soft and smooth, like rose petals.

There was a knock on the door. “There it is.” He smiled pulling back from her. Getting up, he slipped into the pajama bottoms on the way out he managed to grab his wallet from his slacks that he had discarded earlier.
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