Microfilm et Folie A Deux (part one)

Apr 29, 2009 21:34

Title: Microfilm et Folie A Deux
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Eddie, Dan, Adrian, Rorshach mention, OCs
Warning: Language, Eddie getting mad, Eddie Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Watchmen...but I wouldn't mind if I did.
Author note: This is Adventure #3 and it takes place in 1966. The title translates literally from French to Microfilm & A Madness Shared by Two) The Comedian is now discovering a new side of himself in between adventures as he decides to see what it is like to really care and love for someone for the first time since he had fallen for Sally. Like before this is shortly after he assignates Kennedy, before Nam, but maybe a week or two after the Watchmen meeting. Now I should mention I'm fudging a bit with the time I'm sure. Additionally, I tried to catch all of my typos but I'm sure there are still a few in there...please don't kill me! One final thing this ~*~*~*~*~ means there is a jump in time in the story...whether that is a little amount of time or little. Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it!

Leaning in her doorway, he watched as she stuffed another random skirt or was that a dress into her suitcase.

“This is a chance in a lifetime.” He reminded her.

“I know.” She looked up at him. “I guess I just thought I had more time.”

“You’ll be back here before you know it.” He smiled at her.

She tossed in a blouse this time he noticed.

He had never seen her so frazzled, heck she had been calmer when they were hostages, he mused, chuckling.

She turned to him. “What’s so funny?”

He smirked at her as she turned to him he saw fierceness, in her blue eyes. “Nothing.”

She marched over to him. “You may be The Comedian and all but what is so funny?” She put her arms across her chest.

“I’ve never seen anyone pack like you are.” His smirk turned into a smile, he cupped her chin his hand. “It’s adorable.” He silenced any kind of reply of outrage he could only assume would bubble forth with a kiss.

“Oh you are hopeless.” She said exasperated, but she smiled.

Picking her up, he twirled her around her small living room until he let them fall onto her sofa. “Sweetheart, you’re going to be busy,” He let his hand glide through her hair, tucking some behind her ear. “And I’m going to have my fair share of missions.”

“Exactly my point,” She pointed, tapping into his chest. “You will be all over the world putting your life on the line.” Pausing, she looked away. “What if something happens and I’m stuck reading about it in a paper?”

He took her hands into his, looking at her from the tops of them before he brushed them against his moustache. He could see her fighting off the case of the giggles it always gave her.

“You don’t play fair.” She finally said in between giggling, trying to pull her hands free.

“Since when have I ever played fair?” He looked at her over her fingers and began nipping at the tips.

“Never.” She let out a small groan. “Eddie,” She pleaded. “I have to go and pack.”

“You can pack later.” Slowly, nibbling he sucked way up one of her fingers.

“I was hoping to sleep later.” She said breathlessly.

He slowly dragged her finger out of his mouth. “Sleep on the plane.”


“Flight 227 is now boarding for Paris.” A voice boomed over a PA system above them.

“There’s your flight.” He pointed towards the ceiling.

He saw her shooting him looks as they stood in line for her to board the plane. “Something on your mind, baby?”

“Are you going to miss me?” She asked.

“Of course I am.” He said playfully. “Who else will make me breakfast on the weekends?”

“Oh Eddie, you are nothing but a big lug.” Smiling, she pushed him.

A part of him knew he was going to miss her sure, but it wasn’t that big of deal. He knew he was going to be busy, he’d probably not even notice that she was gone. “But you know you can’t get enough of me.” He looked down at her, smirking. Knowing it would make her feel better; he wrapped an arm around her waist before she knew what he was doing and pulled her close. “I’m going, miss you baby, you’re my girl.” Then he gave her a firm kiss on the lips.

Once he released, he enjoyed seeing her get all flustered. “Good, because I’m going to miss you.” She said her voice shaky.

Then she stepped forward and gave the attendant her ticket, he stepped to the side. She grimaced at him when she got her ticket back. “See you in a few months.”

He smiled and nodded. “See you in a few months.” He watched as she walked down the tunnel right as he was about to turn to leave, she turned and waved one last time. He
waved then she disappeared around the corner.


Blake half sat, half leaned against the bar he was on his fourth beer when someone clapped him on the back. Looking up, he had almost forgotten that he had called him to join him. “Hi Dan.” He took another swig of his beer. “Get my man a beer.” He motioned to the bartender to get him a beer.

“Hi Blake.” He wiped his glasses on his tie before putting them back onto his nose as he sat down. “Thank you.” He took a sip from the frosty bottle. “We haven’t seen much of you since the New Year’s party.”

He shrugged, sitting straighter. “Been busy.” He took a swig.

“I had meant to ask you, was your date at the party…” Dan looked away, coughing before he continued. Dan really had to learn how not get flustered and to cut to the chase when he wanted to know something. “Was she the same girl I saw you with back in September?”

Always observant, he’d have to give him that, he wondered how much of her had he seen that night. He had to suppress a chuckle remembering what happened after the meeting, which Dan would never know about. “Yeah.” He smirked. It was the first time he had talked about Julia with anyone before. She already had been gone for three months. As much as Blake thought, he was not going to even notice, her absence he had. Things just were not the same without her around. As much as it made him feel like a kid with a crush, he knew just wasn’t the same with her away.

“I thought so.” Dan took another sip from his beer, then loosened his tie. “Wait a minute, Blake; you were with the same girl?” He looked at him over the rims of his glasses.

“A guy has to keep his options open.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Eddie Blake has to keep his options open.” That was the most he had ever heard Dan be sarcastic. He wasn’t too thrilled about it.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Blake we all know, and I’ve seen it myself. You can have any girl you want with just a crook of a finger.”

“That’s always been fun.” He finished his fourth beer, holding up the empty he motioned to the bartender to bring him another.

Dan just shook his head. “So why would a girl you were maybe seeing in September be with you, months later in January?”

“Options, Dan options.” He took a swig from his new bottle.

“I’m not buying it.” Dan prodded.

He slammed the bottle down on the counter, some beer sloshed out; he rubbed his hand on his pants. A pang went sharply through his heart, those feelings, those sensations, and this kind of talk was something that was unfamiliar territory. He didn’t like it he knew that for sure. “I like her ok, Dan?” After he finally said it aloud, he felt as if he had been holding his breath and he finally released it. It made him feel better.

An excitement, washed over Dan’s face. “Real…I mean that’s great.” He noticed Dan trying to compose himself as he narrowed his eyes at him. “No really Blake, I just never took you to settle for just one girl.”

“Who says there’s only one girl?” He had to keep an ounce of self-respect Dan didn’t need to know there was only her, that his one attempt to woo and potentially have a one night stand had not even come close to happening and that had been at least a month ago.

“Anyway, I was going to tell you it’s not the same without having you show up at the meetings.” Dan finally changed the subject, being true to form that he was the most diplomatic of the bunch. One could always count on him to be that way.

“I don’t think anyone has missed me, Dan.” He looked at the man, raising an eyebrow, who had taken off his glasses and rubbed them on his brown tie.

“Of course you have.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Certainly,” Then he quickly added. “I know I miss what you usually add to the meetings.”

“Ok Dan but I bet Veidt is happy I haven’t burned anymore of his maps.”

“He got a new one.”


“Yeah, he laminated this one.” He could see Dan wanted to smile but always being too nice of a guy, he just took a sip of his beer instead.

“Like that will stop it from burning, if I decided to put my lighter to it?”

Dan snickered at that, shaking his head he composed himself. “Why did he laminate it?”

“Maybe he hopes it will look more professional.”

“Most likely.”


Some things change with others remaining the same, he mused as he read the paper. Laurie now actually had her arm linked with that Mr. Glowing Blue Berry of a man, maybe tonight he’d actually say something to Sally, granted she still picked up their daughter. Veidt, still was smarmy as ever, Rorschach he noticed that evening had pulled his mask up to his nose and was busy munching loudly on sugar cubes. At least he wasn’t eating raw beans or sardines out of the can like Dan had said once he caught him doing.

“Now, if you stay in the blue area Jon then I’m sure you can do a thorough search of the area and secure it.”

Damn, the new map was far more annoying that its predecessor.. He noticed that Veidt had gone further with his color-coding of this map and an array of colored pushpins peppered the laminated paper. If that was not bad enough, hearing his voice droning on and on made him just want to strangle the man to death. Veidt would be dead and he’d be happy. He wondered how the other members would respond. Inkblot would probably just make one of trademark sounds; Laurie may cower closer to the glowing blue magnificence of a man what a joke. The blue man himself would not even raise an eyebrow. Dan would try to stop him and tell him how he should weight his options. As much as he would love to do it, he had better ways to spend his evening then in the cell.

“Oh Veidt?” Getting up from where he had been half sitting, half slouching he went over to the map. He looked it over he noticed there was no colored region or pin for him.

“Yes?” Veidt sounded a tad on the strained side.

“Don’t I get a color or a pushpin?”

Veidt’s cheek twitched. “You’ve been gone. I didn’t see the point.” Veidt looked at the others in the room but no one said a word, not even Dan that made him smirk.

“Then this map is certainly flawed, very flawed I’d say.” Taking out his pocket- knife and drove it into the state of New York. “Here this will be my territory, Ozy. Next time you get a map remember to include me.” Smiling he shoot a look around the room, before turning to leave, he saw Dan give a small smile, which he almost immediately tried to cover up with a cough. That made him laugh, and laughing he left letting it echo against the walls as he left the building. Hailing a cab, he headed back to his apartment with a smile still on his face.


Right as he was entering his apartment, the shrill sound of the phone ringing greeted him.

“Blake, here.”

“We need you to come in; we have a mission for you.” The smile widened on his face, perhaps tonight was going to be good night after all, he mused listening to the voice. “We’re going to send a car. Pack a couple of suitcases and we have all of your paperwork prepared so don’t bring any.”

“Where am I going?”

“Europe.” Then a click snapped in his ear, damn he hated when he did that.


Fifteen minutes later, with suitcases in hand he went downstairs after the driver called up. Not long after he was walking through Richards’ door.

“Blake, we just discovered there are some documents we need for our science department. They have been stored at the Museum Rodin, in Paris since the war.”

“World War II?” Shifting in his seat, the name prickled him, The Rodin, where had he heard that before, he wondered. It was on the tip of his tongue, damn it he hated that. Since he was going to Paris, maybe he could manage to drop in on Julia that would be nice.

“Yeah.” Richards look annoyed, as he sighed heavily. “What annoys us we just found out about it; anyway that’s not the point. There is a curator, by the name of Collette, who inclined towards Americans, sweeten her up and we’re pretty sure if you play your cards right, you can get your hands on an invite to the gala event they are throwing two weeks after you arriving.”

“You certainly think I can work fast.”

“We’re confident you will be able to handle the situation.” Richards cleared his throat, before continuing. “Of course, you will need this.” Opening a drawer, he pulled out a black travel bag and put it on his desk. “In here we have a camera so you can take some microfilm pictures of the files.”

“You don’t want to me to just take the files.”

“It would cause too much exposure.”

“How long will I be there?”

Richards moved his head from side to side pursing his lips. “Three weeks tops. We’ll have a car for you, and since will have to be wooing we have put you up at the Ritz Carlton hotel, so you look like a prosperous American, which we know won’t be hard for you.” Richards smirked at him.

Blake just shook his head; it was a good thing that after all this time Richards had finally begun to loosen up. Then it hit him, he knew where he heard of Rodin, Julia. She was interning there in between taking her classes, he was going to have to track her down, and that will be fun. “What about money?”

“Also in here.” Richards pointed to the travel bag. “There is some money to get you started along with a supply of traveler’s checks with more than enough to carry for the trip and more. Along with all of your IDs.” Richards handed it to him.

He opened and pocketed his passport, slide the driver’s license into place along with some random cards, there was one he didn’t recognize. “What’s this?”

“It’s a MasterCard, its one of those new fangled credit cards, its just for show since more places are not accepting maybe in a few years. You are supposed to be prosperous so we thought we would toss that in.”

“Ah.” He nodded. “I heard about those.”

Richards clapped then rubbed his hands together, “Well, that is everything,
Blake.” He pulled back on his sleeve, looking at his watch. “It looks like if you leave now, you can arrive at the airport and with maybe fifteen minutes before boarding.”

Blake got up. “Oh when do you want me to check in?”

“Let’s say, Sunday morning or with you let’s just say after you wake up.”

Blake just shook his head again. “Sounds good.” Richards offered his hand and he shook it. “See you in three weeks.” He smiled.

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