Gunpowder & Desire (Part Three & Part Four)

Apr 20, 2009 21:11

Title: Gunpowder & Desire
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Eddie, Dan, Adrian, Rorschach, Laurie, & OCs
Warning: Some language, sex, powerplay, the pooltable at the hideout.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Watchmen...but I wouldn't mind if I did.
Author note: This is the start of Adventure #2.
I decided to have a scene that takes place at the infamous pooltable. Anyhow, this is a continuation of the last story. The Comedian is now discovering a new side of himself in between adventures as he decides to see what it is like to really care and love for someone for the first time since he had fallen for Sally. Like before this is shortly after he assignates Kennedy, before Nam, but maybe a week or two after the Minutemen meeting. Now I should mention I'm fudging a bit with the time I'm sure. Additionally, I tried to catch all of my typos but I'm sure there are still a few in there...please don't kill me! One final thing this ~*~*~*~*~ means there is a jump in time in the story...whether that is a little amount of time or little. Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it!

What a day, he mused as he lounged on his sofa, puffing on a cigar. He had awoken to Julia having made breakfast, who knew when he had first met her, that she actually wasn’t a spoiled princess. He had enjoyed this morning immensely pushing her physically, he wondered how far she would go, and he chuckled. He was still confused as to how she had managed to track him down; over dinner, he was going to have to ask her about that. Getting up, he stretched letting out a deep groan, taking a final pull on his cigar then extinguished it, might as well pack bag, he thought, this might be an overnight mission.


“Would either of you care for dessert?” asked their waitress, as she retrieved their plates.

“Some more coffee?” He held up his cup.

“I’m fine.”

“I’ll be right back with your coffee, sir.”

He watched as the waitress disappeared between two swinging doors. “There is something I need to know.”

“Yes, anything.” She rested her chin on her hands as she smiled at him from across the table. The flame from the candle flickered over her face.

“How did you find me?” Picking up his cup, he drank the last of the coffee.

He watched as she bite her lip before grabbing her glass of wine and drinking what was left of it, then she sighed.

“I looked around in daddy’s office and eventually found a file on you and a statement about you coming to get me. It just gave some general information about you and where you lived.” She paused and smiled. “So when I found out, he wanted me to go to NYU to finish up my degree, I thought back to how things had been. And I figured I just had to try.”

“I see.” He smirked, he was glad to know. It didn’t sit well with him that there being files of him lying around.

“You’re coffee, sir.” The waiter handed him a new cup and took away the old one. He nodded at the waitress.

“You certainly do things when you put your mind to them.”

She raised and lowered her eyebrows. “You’ve got that right; you should see what else I have up my sleeve.”

“Sounds like fun.” He winked at her.


“Eddie, you didn’t tell me if you liked what I changed into?” She gave him a sidelong glance, smiling.

He let his eyes; drift up her slender legs, the boots she wore gave little to her height, maybe an inch but he enjoyed that they only went half way up her calves, leaving her legs bare all the way, until it met the wispy hem of her skirt. He could imagine grabbing the corners of that skirt and pushing it up, her tight blouse was nice, it gave a nice contrast to the skirt. The line of buttons that went between her breasts were, rather erotic it reminded him on a corset. Oh, how he’d like to get her in one of those and maybe a pair of guarders. He licked his lips; he could take her right here on the street, perhaps against that lamppost he thought mischievously.

She giggled. “I take it, you like what I put on.” Her blue eyes were shined in the light.

“Yes, I can imagine taking them off you.” He smirked.

“Oh, Eddie,” She shook her head. “Remember, you have to go to your office so we can get your files.”

Damn, he had almost forgotten about that. He wanted to get her home maybe he’d take her against the door, not even waiting to get to the sofa or the bedroom.


He flipped on the light switch after he opened the door. “So here we are why don’t you have a seat while I look for those files?”

“Maybe.” She gave him a playful smile.

He watched as she drifted over to a picture that hung on the wall.

“Oh, is that you?”

She pointed to a picture of him grinning from ear to ear, his arm tightly around the throat of bank robber, Boland was his name if he remembered correctly, he held the moneybag in the other hand, he was a golden boy to the press back then. Anything he did, they were ready to shoot with their cameras. He was glad they didn’t car too much anymore.

“Yeah.” He said not thrilled as he opened the first drawer of his filing cabinet, seeing it was just a mass of disorder.

“You were so young.” She practically squealed.

“That was well over twenty years ago.” As he flipped through the folders, he really should have organized this better, he thought.

“Wow, you didn’t have a moustache then.” She paused. “Interesting.” She mumbled.

“What?” He turned and looked at her.

“Oh nothing.” She made a dismissive gesture with her hand.

“No what?” He closed the drawer hard; he was annoyed with himself for keeping such sloppy records.

She jumped at the sound that amused him. “Most girls my age go for guys our age, maybe a little older but I have to say, if I had a choice between you now and you then, I would go for you now.” She winked at him.

“Well, that’s a relief.” He gave a snicker, you wouldn’t have liked me back then, he mused bitterly. The younger Eddie was different, he had reacted with Sally's rejection with only violence, he knew now he would have reacted differently, at least that is how he felt about it. The younger Eddie would have discarded Julia long ago. He would have slapped her around if anything and definitely would have slammed the door in her face the other night. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as she continued to walk around from one picture to the next and to the news clippings.

“Any luck?” She asked sometime later.

“No, not yet.” Before opening the third drawer, he noticed that she had finally taken a seat, on the edge of his desk.

He continued to flip through the drawer. “Here it is.” He finally said, it was about damn time, he knew it had to be in there, he placed it on top of the filing cabinet and pushed the drawer shut. Going over to the door, he closed it. Then made his way over to where she sat.

“You look really nice on my desk.”

She rocked from side to side, smiling up at him. “I’m glad.”

Taking her chin, he pulled her face up to his and kissed her.

“I really like this skirt.” He placed both of his hands on her; he let his thumbs caress her inner thighs

As if knowing what he wanted she parted her legs for him without a word, he came to stand between them. “Oh really.” She finally said breathlessly.

“Because I can do this.” He pushed the skirt, all the way to her waist.

“What if I did this?” She arched against him; he sucked in a breath, as he put his arms around her and pulled her into a kiss.

She broke the kiss giggling. “I like that.” Then she began kissing him again.

As he kissed her slowly, he bent her backwards, against his desk until she was finally on her back. One her legs wrapped around him, damn, he never would have imagined it to be like this he thought as he gazed up and down her body. He ran his hand up and down her thigh, it made her arch against him. She managed to wiggle an arm out with the intention to wrap it around him but instead she hit his lamp and with a loud crash it fell to the floor.

“Damn.” He muttered, as he looked down at it.

“Eddie, I’m sorry.” She looked upset. “I didn’t mean to.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, kiss me.” He said as he leaned into her again.

They were entangled, in each other’s arms when his door cracked open and bounced against the opposite wall. With her arms still around him he looked up, annoyance rising sharply in him. At this moment, he could have chucked that broken lamp at Dan, if his intentions were not so noble.

“Oh! Blake you’re in here I was worried it was an intruder.” He managed to sputter out. “We were downstairs having a meeting and well, Hi” He gave a small wave to Julia. “…ah never mind. I’m going to go.”

He couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head as Dan clumsily closed the door.

“Who was that?” A blushed tinged her cheeks.

He shrugged. “Just one of the members of the Watchmen.”

“Ah. If they’re having a meeting, you better go join them.”

“I was rather enjoying your company.”

“Yeah but this is what you do.” She paused, her hand drifted up from his right cheek, to hair. “Go. How could they possibly do anything without The Comedian? They’d be lost without you.” She smiled at him.

He smirked he liked how she had put that. He pulled her up until she was sitting on top of his desk. “Alright.”

“I’ll be here when you get back.”

~*~*~*End of Three/Part Four*~*~*~

He watched as she hopped off his desk and straighten herself, she did a little ass shake that almost made him say the hell with it and go ravage her. She was right, what they’d do without him he shook his head. He grabbed his file, if things got too boring at least he could look that over. He reached the top of the stairs; he could hear their muted voices. Stopping, he pulled a cigar out, flipping his lighter open; he lit it and stuck it into his mouth. Smoke swirled around his head as he made it to the last step and saw as everyone turned for a moment to look at him, then pretended that they hadn’t.

Smiling broadly around the cigar, he held out his arms. “I’m here; the meeting can start for real now.” Then taking a deep drag, he exhaled towards the ceiling.

He heard Rorschach mumble a, “Hurm.” Which he had grown to find out could stand for several different things. Several black spots flowed towards the center of his mask; perhaps he had not liked his little crack. Adrian simply gave him look as if a mosquito had just bitten him through his purple attire. He was probably still mad about him burning his precious map. Laurie he noticed was standing closer to Manhattan then the last time he saw them together there was a kind of intimacy with her posture, it made a knot of annoyance build up in his stomach. Manhattan was just glowing away as usual; he is the one Christmas blub people could count on to never go out. They may never have been formally introduced but something about him, glowing like he did. He pulled up a seat near where they stood and sat down, sighing he put his feet up on the table that sat beside him.

“As I was saying,” Adrian finally said in a haughty tone. “We really should try and concentrate on what’s been going on with the docks, perhaps Rorschach you and Dan could patrol there, we really should try and make an effort to stop the influx of drugs from coming off of those docks.”

He laughed around his cigar. “Are you serious, Adrian?”

Adrian didn’t pay him mind. “Do you think you could do that?” He looked from Rorschach then to Dan.

“I asked you a question.” He said, darkly he narrowed his eyes at the flaxen haired man. “Are you serious?”

Sighing Adrian finally looked at him. “Yes.” His voice sounded strained yes he mused almost cracking a smile, he was still angry at him over the damn map.

“The docks are not your problem, sure shit goes down there but only a small percentage of the drugs come in through there. The kids these days are going to down to Mexico, now the docks in Miami, that’s where a lot of the influx of drugs not so much here.”

He watched as annoyance wrinkled Adrian’s brow, if only for a moment it was a joy to see. “We can still do things to stop things from coming in though if we watch the ports.”

“We’ll watch them, Adrian.” Dan finally said in a confident tone.

Rorschach gave a firm sounding “Hurm.” Damn he thought that man really needed to learn how to use words. Good thing he never collaborated with the guy, he would mostly like kill him by the end of the night.

He smirked, “That is unless you are off with me Dan Ol’ buddy.” He said around his cigar, before exhaling.

“Off with you?” Laurie finally spoke up. “Why would Dan be off with you?” He noticed that for the first time since she had found out about the evening between her mother and him, that she didn’t sound hostile. Maybe a bit annoyed but not shrill, perhaps the bulb mellowed her.

“Yeah sweetheart,” He bit the inside of his cheek. “Sometimes Dan and I go on missions.” He took his cigar out of his mouth and smiled at her. “Didn’t Dan tell you?” he raised his eyebrows, finally shifting his gaze away from her, and let it fall on all of them before resting on Dan. “Dan,” He shook his head. “Didn’t you tell them about Watts?”

“What about Watts?” Adrian asked.

“Dan and I here helped the government in finally bringing some organization to that riot. Of course, Manhattan recommended him.” He finally looked back at her.

He watched as she turned to look at the blue wonder the expression of annoyance he saw fill her face reminded him so much on Sally. How a part of him would have liked to say that but he bit his tongue. She calmed, looking back at him.

“Neither of them told us.” There was a bite to her last word but he was sure that for the first time it wasn’t directed at him but at Dan or Manhattan.


Eventually, things did grow boring like he had expected. When they finally asked him if there was something he would like to do, he gave them a dismissive gesture with his hand. Shortly afterward, he finished reading the last part of the file; he really didn’t need to be bothered by their activities.

“Well, if that is everything I would say this meeting is over.” Adrian finally announced. “Unless of course something happens and we need to call an emergency meeting.”

“What if one of us comes down with the mumps or chicken pox?” He smirked, as he closed the file, and extinguished his cigar in the tray near him.

He looked around, and saw as Dan smiled slightly, Rorschach simply shook his head his spots spreading widely out perhaps that was the way he showed a smile, he couldn’t be sure, Laurie tittered and Manhattan continued to glow and Adrian looked impassive as usual, not even bothering to reply.


Finally, the last of them filed out. He had to admit, he felt a bit smug as Dan came up to him to say he was sorry to disturbing him earlier and for not telling them about Watts. Dan knew his place with him, and that made him happy. Putting the file down, he stretched. It was time he finished what he had started an hour ago, he thought to himself a smirk curling his lips as he climbed the stairs that led to his office.

“Julia, you better sitting on my desk by the time I get there.” He called out, chuckling afterward, he had to wonder if she actually would go and sit on his desk and wait for him.

Well, he was about to find out, he thought amused. Opening his door, he burst into the room only to find it empty. He noticed that she must have cleaned up the lamp. He heard the sound of distant giggling and the clicking of heels, he knew it was her but where exactly. He went back into the hallway.

“You’re going to have to find me Eddie.” He heard her call out, then there was more clicking of heels that faded off then a door slammed shut.

Where the hell, could she be, he thought, annoyance rose in him, he was not in the mood to play games. He had wanted her all though the meeting, he did not want to wait.

He called down the staircase. “Are you down there?”

All that he heard was the sound of her heels echoing up to him.

He began to make his way down there. “Where are you baby? You know shouldn’t make daddy wait?”

There's only one place she could be and he didn’t want to go in there. As he approached the door, it was slightly ajar, light pooled out of the room.


He came in; pushing the door aside, with a heavy clank, it bounced off the opposite wall.

She was sitting, more like posing on the pool table. She juggled two of the balls in one of her hands as she looked over at him.

“There you are.” He said, gruffly, he ran a hand through his hair.

“You finally found me.” She moved to let her legs dangle off the sides. “What are you going to do with me?” She looked up at him, from under her eyelashes.

“We’re leaving.” The last place he wanted to be was in this room, of all places. He had to leave the air was thick; it made it hard for him to breathe.

“But Eddie,” She begged. “That game of pool last night gave me all these ideas and when I saw this,” She gestured at the table.

“No.” He barked he undid some of the top buttons of his dress shirt; it did little to take the heat that suddenly filled him.

“Don’t you want to; we could have lots of fun.” She gave him a sly smile.

“Come on let’s go.” He grabbed her wrist, pulling her off the pool table, she heals click clacked on hitting the floor. He needed to get out of there.

She didn’t move any further, he saw that she held on to the edge of the pool table, a small pout played on her lips. “Don’t you want to play with me daddy?”

His heart was racing, he couldn’t think any further. He drew close to her, so that he was inches away from her face. “You want to play?”

“Yes.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that she had let go of the pool table.

“Then we’re going to play.” He smirked down at her. “What am I going to do with you?” He asked her, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke, as he reached for his belt, quickly he undid it and pulled it out of the loops.

She looked down then quickly back up at him. “Whatever you want.” She said breathlessly, licking her lips.

His desire knotted tightly in his stomach. Holding his belt, he grabbed her other wrist. “This is for making me look for you.” His tone gruff as his desire filled him sharply. Holding them together, he looked at them then looked at her and smirked, his hair fell into his eyes, then he loped the belt around her wrists and fastened them tightly. Once they were secure, he pulled her tightly against him, crushing her into a kiss, she made a small whimpering sound that only succeeded in making him harder, he looked into the blue depths of hers eyes raising an eyebrow.

“Kiss me again.” She said in a desperate voice, he couldn’t help but smirk even wider.

He brought his mouth within inches of hers he could just touch them feeling her take in a breath, he tore his lips away from hers and kissed his way harshly down her throat, an incoherent sound came from her. Pulling back, he looked at her, then taking a hold of her waist, he spun her around so her back faced him, he saw as her fingers grasped tightly onto the wooden edge of the pool table. The movement had caused some the billiard balls bounced into each other. The sight was almost too much for him to take. He tore her skirt up, making her practically naked ass bare to him, he couldn’t resist smacking it hard, she let out a small sound, which turned into a small moan as he smoothed his hand over it, feeling as the skin flushed and grew warm. Putting his hands around her, he dragged them upward so he could caress her breasts but her shirt stopped him, and the buttons would not corporate with his fingers.

“God damn them.” He muttered, his desire fueling him, he tore at the shirt. Buttons popped off, he heard them bouncing into the distance. Once able to, he dove a hand under the shirt grasping and roughly caressing her breast, wanting to feel both of them he tore at it again, this time both breasts burst from the opening. It made him smile, as he was able to caress the both of them, moans came out of Julia in full abandon, as she arched and wiggled against him. Each one of her movements brought flames of lust from him and to his throbbing hard-on. Releasing one breast, he drew his hand down her stomach and down further, waiting he felt as he felt her body tightened in expectation of his hand, then he smoothed it slowly between her legs, her panties were soaked all the way through, he rubbed up and down against the wet fabric. He felt her shudder against him, that’s when he grabbed the flimsy fabric of her panties and tore them downward, letting them go, and they fell to the ground. Stepping backward he quickly undid the button of his slacks and lowered his zipper, the metallic sound echoed in the room, reaching into his pants he fished out his hard on.

Closing the distance between them, kicking her foot aside, holding onto himself, he found her moist entrance. He teased it with his tip, he heard her mutter a please, before pushing all the way forward, he groaned loudly as he felt her tight wetness encircle him. Holding onto her with one hand, he braced himself against the pool table. Regaining his composure, he slowly began moving in and out of her, groaning loudly with pleasure. Together they moved, desire furiously drove him, as she arched against him, he bit in her shoulder, thrusting even deeper into her. Just as he did so, he felt her shudder against him, and she wilted against the pool table breathing hard, not being able to hold himself back he thrust once more into her tight wetness and allowed himself to explode, pleasure flooded him as he erupted hotly into her.

He groaned feeling incredibly triumphant, he immediately felt hot with desire for her all over again as he watched her straighten herself while he was zipping up and buttoning his slacks. Once finished, she leaned towards him, soundlessly standing on her tiptoes desperately trying to kiss her. He lifted her still bound wrists over his head; he picked her up and placed her on the edge of the pool table, kissing her, her legs wound around his waist tightly.

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