Gunpowder & Desire (Part Two)

Apr 18, 2009 03:39

Title: Gunpowder & Desire
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Eddie, OCs
Warning: Some language, sex, powerplay
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Watchmen...but I wouldn't mind if I did.
Author note: This is the start of Adventure #2.
This is a continuation of the last story. The Comedian is now discovering a new side of himself in between adventures as he decides to see what it is like to really care and love for someone for the first time since he had fallen for Sally. Like before this is shortly after he assignates Kennedy, before Nam, but maybe a week or two after the Minutemen meeting. Now I should mention I'm fudging a bit with the time I'm sure. Additionally, I tried to catch all of my typos but I'm sure there are still a few in there...please don't kill me! One final thing this ~*~*~*~*~ means there is a jump in time in the story...whether that is a little amount of time or little. Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it!

He took a drag on his cigar, finishing it. He blew the smoke towards the ceiling, it swirled around the light that illuminated their table. He watched as she leaned ever further over the table, the hem of the dress was just below her rear. Damn he thought she had a nice ass. He grabbed his beer bottle and took a quick swing, putting it down, he went over to her, leaning against her, Blake enjoyed the feel of her body. “You sure you want to take that shot.” He whispered in her ear.

She smiled back at him. “Yes.”

“Ok, go ahead then and take it.”

It wasn’t a bad shot, considering that this was her second game, she was a quick learner, he had to admit. “Not bad.”

Standing up he surveyed the table, he saw two shots he could make to win this game, he went to grab the cue stick from her, she held onto it and gave him a sly smile, before letting it go. Then she went and sat in the seat that his suit jacket was, he watched as she crossed her legs. Leaning over he eyed the ball, then carefully he aimed then he released the cue stick and as he anticipated, he won.

She jumped to her feet, smiling. “You won!” She exclaimed.

He came over to her; he cocked his head to one side. “What do I get since I won?”

She looked down, then up at him. “What do you want?”

He thought he would ask for everything, cut to the chase. He didn’t want to play any more games. “You.” He said simply.

Without any hesitation, looking determined as ever she answered him. “I told you that afternoon in Miami, you got me.” She put a hand on his chest, making his heart race. “I meant it.”

“Then let’s go back to my place,” He smirked. “I want the spoils of my victory.”


As they drove back in the cab to his apartment, a new kind of excitement went through him. He gently squeezed her thigh; she leaned over and kissed his throat. There was no sense of dread plaguing him. He was not going to have to worry about the morning, he felt relieved that he wasn’t going to have to deal with some kind of drama or argument. And he didn’t have to worry about trying to remember her name.

He smiled and slid her a look as he felt her take his hand, and bring it ever so higher up her thigh. She gave him a glance from under her eyelashes before she looked away.
The only other time anything similar to this happened was the night when Sally and him, ran into each other. There was some initial tension; she finally had calmed down to listen to him. They had talked practically the night away, before falling into each other’s arms.

He had hoped that would have happened the night of the party. With the way, she had been looking at him and making it plain to him, that she was going to change; he thought it had been an open invitation. His sixteen year old, mind didn’t know any better, in those days his anger ruled him. Fuck, it still did but he had it more in check now. He’d never let anything like that happen again, if he could help it.

The nights, the weeks that followed were something he had never experienced, with any woman, it had felt right. He was a man by then, but vaguely he could still feel how the boy in him had been in heaven. Finally, his fantasy had come true; he had always cut out her news stories or pictures before he had joined the team. Then when he finally got to meet her, talk with her much less be in the same room with her, it had driven him over the edge, he could barely think straight. Then it all ended, it all came crashing down, it had left him bitter.

Looking over at Julia as she was gazed, he enjoyed the sight of her profile as she did this; he wanted to run his fingertips over the curve of her throat. This time as he looked at her, neon lights from the various signs they passed lit up her face. Being here with her made some of that bitterness shrink away. Who knew how long this would last, between the two of them, he lived a violent life, did violent things he could be killed tomorrow.

“Three bucks, pal.” The cabbie said as they pulled up to the curb.

He paid the man and they got out, then in a few short minutes, he was opening the door, he watched her hips move as she walked into his apartment.

“Eddie, would you mind if I freshen up for a moment?” She asked him.

“Not at all, but you have to come here first.”

He pulling her up, he kissed her.

“Don’t be long.” He smirked.

“I won’t.” She said.

“It’s the first door, on the right.” He pointed in the general direction of the door.

“Ok!” She began walking in the direction of it as he walked towards his kitchen. Reaching out he planted a hearty smack on her ass.

She squeaked, then gave him a sly smile over her shoulder.


He slipped off of his jacket and laid it on the island in his kitchen, then grabbing a glass, reaching in his freezer he took out a couple of ice cubes, he dropped them into the glass with a clink before he poured some scotch over them. Taking a sip from the glass, he sighed with content, it was a good scotch. He put the scotch away, as he did so he felt her arms encircle his waist. He turned in her arms and stared down at her.

“Eddie tell me what do you want me to do?” She ran her hands up and down his back.

He finished the last of the scotch, then he put the glass back on the counter. “I have a few things in mind.”
Grinning down at her, he let his hands drift up her arms until fingers captured the straps that held her dress in place, tugging on them undid the knots.

She made a move to keep the dress from falling but he easily grabbed her hands. “Let it fall.” He commanded, then the cotton pooled at her naked feet, he realized then why he had not heard her approach, she had removed her boots. Taking both hands he pinned them behind her back, she struggled a little, it made some of her hair fall into her face. As he watched her, his desire to hear her beg grew. If she was willing to search him out, how he still did not know, he was going to have to ask her about that. Then she better, be willing to beg. He held her wrists tighter and she continued to squirm in his grasp, it made him even harder.

“What?” He finally asked playfully.

“I want to touch you.” She said, her hands wriggling against his grasp.

“Not yet.” He shook her a little.

She was naked all except for a mere, scrap of cotton that covered the area between her legs. He knew with certainty it would be wet, letting his one hand hold both of her wrists, with the free hand, he let it trace the elastic band that lay along her lower belly. Her breath came out with a whoosh as he did so, it made him smirk, with the back of his finger, he smoothed it the material that barely covered her. The lower his finger went across the cotton, the moister it felt, looking then up then into her eyes, he could see the expectation and stopped, smiling.

“How badly do you want me?” He asked her as he pulled her tightly against him, her eyes widening, with the force of the move. Holding her firmly against him, he rubbed his hard on against her, he saw that what he had just seen in her eyes was now ignited eagerly she quickened the movements of her wriggling body against him, it just barely stole his breath away. “Can you feel it?”

She bit her bottom lip and mumbled a sound of recognition he smiled. “Good.” He breathed into face, before kissing her, the sweet taste of her mouth was a welcome contrast to the scotch he had just drank.

Then in a breath, he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, in a few strides he was in his room. Tossing her on his bed, he quickly slipped out his clothes before he covered her body with his she was breathless under him. He kissed and nibbled his way down her body, stopping to enjoy her perky nipples that readily pointed at him. Placing a hand on either one of her thighs, he kissed both of them before parting them. Inhaling deeply all he could smell was her it gave him a rich sense of delight. Slowly, he licked his way up them, placing the occasional bite. He could feel as her fingers twined and curled in his hair.

“Eddie please,” He heard her beg, making a smile to spread across his face. “I can’t take…” Her voice cracked into a deep moan, as he licked her slowly at the apex between her legs, her taste filling his mouth. She tasted, as wonderful as she had went he had the mere taste on the plane. He wanted more but that would be another time, he needed to feel that wetness encircle him.

“Look at me.” He said, his desire making his voice gravely. Her lids were heavy with desire as she looked up at him as he placed himself between her legs. He teased her at first just letting his hard on graze her wetness, making another moan break from her lips, then finally he pushed all the way in making her gasp and whimper his name.

“That’s it.” He said once he was fully inside of her. Then grabbing onto his headboard, he finally began moving in and out of her. He enjoyed the sight of her grasping onto his blankets, then felt as she grasped onto him, her fingers dinging into him, as her legs tightened around him. It only intensified his moves. Bracing with himself with one hand and remaining inside of her he easily scooped her up to him, then in a quick movement, he was on his back staring up at her. Her ragged breaths were hot on his chest, as they moved. He smirked up at her; she looked startled down at him.

He watched with delight as she made herself comfortable on top of him. “Time to ride daddy.”

Her movements were slow. “Baby,” He urged. “You can do better than that.” He slapped then squeezed her ass.

That was exactly what she needed, he mused darkly for then she arched against him and began moving in earnest. Finally, he became breathless, and allowed all of the moans he had been biting back to come forth as he watched her. Her hair bouncing, biting into her bottom lip, as she enjoyed her ride, and moaning, it was not long before he could feel her tightening around him, her movements became faster.

“Oh Eddie.” She finally gasped arching he grabbed her hips and thrust into her harder, before letting his peak explode deeply within her, his hands dropped to his sides as the pleasure washed over him.

He watched as she sighed, looking fully content as his climax continued to pulse within her. He smoothed his hands over her thighs, before he spread out his arms to her. “Come here.”

She curled up to him then, wrapping his arms around her, he squeezed her. There was something in him that felt that this was right. There was nothing about this that made him feel compelled or forced into doing this in order to get something he wanted, it just was, he thought this as he drifted off to sleep.


As he woke up, his head was buried, into one of his pillows the scent of Julia still lingered in his nose. He reached around with his arm, not yet opening his eyes but the bed felt cool, all he felt was rumpled sheets. It had all been just another dream. He had not been able to get her out of his mind since returning from Brazil. That was why he reasoned he had not gone out and gotten an easy piece of ass because, he missed her. There was just something about her it was stronger than her looks. It had taken a hold of him, and it tugged hard on him. That’s why he finally unpacked his belongings, framed the clippings and pictures. He could have any girl, that with just the right amount of wooing, he could get her to do anything, but he didn’t want someone else around touching, seeing his stuff. At the ripe old age of forty-two, he had become ridiculous over a girl, that was a little more than half his age, he grumbled into his pillow.

A soft giggle came from behind him then he felt the mattress give under the weight of someone getting onto his bed.

“Do you always like grumbling into your pillow?”

Turning his head in the direction of the voice, he opened one eye. He watched as Julia came to sit beside him, she tucked her legs in close and she was wearing his shirt.

“Is that coffee I smell?” He finally said, he voice gruff from sleep.

“Yes I made us some, along with some breakfast. Here have some.”

Grumbling, and running a hand roughly through his hair he came to sit beside her and he took the mug. It had not been a dream after all. Smiling at her, he inhaled the rich aroma and drank what as left of it, the hot liquid already working its magic at waking him up.

“Let’s go and dig into that breakfast.”

Then in a quick move, she managed to hop off the bed, but he was quicker, holding a sheet around his waist he captured her from behind and held her closely to him, he inhaled the sweet flowery scent of her hair.

“You better get used to me grumbling.” He kissed her neck before letting her go.

Then she walked back in the direction of the kitchen.

Going over to his dresser, he pulled out a pair of pajama bottoms; he slipped into them before following her. She had certainly made an array of food as he surveyed the table, on his way over to his door. He opened it and took the paper that was leaning against the wall.

“You get paper delivery all the way up here?”

He smirked; he placed it beside a fresh cup of coffee. “Working for the government has its perks.”

As he was about to sit down the phone rang. “Damn it.” He muttered and went over to the phone.

On the third ring, he picked up. “Blake here.” She came over to him and gave him, his cup of coffee. He took a sip.

“Blake,” It was Richards. “We have a mission for you.”

“Fantastic.” He said dryly.

“All the facts will be given this evening, if everything is in order and secured you will be flying out tomorrow at dawn.”

“When do you want me to come in and get briefed?” He took another sip of his coffee.

He could hear the man shuffling papers around. “Let’s say ten thirty.”

“Alright, is there anything else you are going to need?”

“Bring your files on, Francisco Marques.”

“Is he making trouble again?”

“We will tell you when you come in.” A sharp click filled his ear, the bastard had hung up on him.

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