(no subject)

Apr 14, 2009 23:06

Title: Kitsunes and Cigars Pt 1
Rating: R
Pairing: Eddie, OC
Warning: Eddie is a potty mouth who needs soap.
Disclaimer: I don't own the watchmen, but if I did, I'd take Eddie into my room and...not come out for a long time.
Author note: This is soon after 'Nam, where eddie is working for the government. Also, if this seems too long, let me know and i'll break it up into smaller chunks. Also lemmie know how you liked it, and you'll get more!! I love feedback, so please, don't be shy!! I want to know what you think, good, bad, whatever!! It makes me feel fuzzy. And helps me in the writing process!

The alarm screamed like a banshee, and the men thundering at its call sounded like elephants, each one of them shouting to another that another one had escaped while grabbing their arsenal: tranquilizer guns, hunting bows. A few even had crude sawed off shotguns. A few of them chuckled; announcing whoever killed the freak got the pelt to make somethin’ nice for the missus. Some of them had dogs: huge red coonhounds and bassets that bayed at the prospect of another hunt.

A few of their superiors told them to shut up and get outside, not even BELIEVING that another one got out. She had a tracking collar on, so they’d easily find her. And when they did, it was the incinerator for her.

As their footsteps disappeared out the door, two figures stood side by side in a nearby holding area staring at a holding cell, both wearing long lab coats. It was a good-sized steel cage, which was now sporting what looked like multiple slash marks. Lord knows what kind of animal she had changed through to do that, but he knew no matter what animal, she would have a few cuts to show for it, along with a few wounds from fighting off security. The blood trail still lingered from the cage to the door. He knew that now though, she would be something much smaller, most likely a Fox. A large creature in the woods would call too much attention. No matter, whatever she was, wherever she was, the dogs would find her. After a long moment of silence, the shorter one sighed. He adjusted a pair of horn-rimmed glasses that were sliding down the thin bridge of his nose.

“I can’t believe it,” he murmured. “This is what, the second one this year?”

“Yes,” the tallest of the pair said thoughtfully. “I do believe that if the boss learns of this, he’ll be very VERY upset.”

“Then,” the shortest said in a tone that bred surety. “Let’s hope they get her back. Or the dogs kill her.”

The taller man had no response-he only chuckled.


Little did the two men know that a figure clutching a folder was quietly leaving through an employee exit.

On the cages-not all of them, but a good amount-lay small explosive devices. Not enough to kill the poor animal inside, but enough to burst their cages.

The man smiled to himself. They’d be too busy looking for one of their precious experiments that loosing almost all of them would certainly be disabled for a little while, at the least.

They never saw him leave.

I was aware of a few things as I ran: My paws hurt, there was a stitch in my side and the people who had caught me for studying were hot on my trail. I could smell them, and the dogs they had brought in the hopes of flushing me out. I had tried to cover it as much as I could by running through streams and going up split paths and back again, but in my hurry, I must have grown sloppy at some point. I felt a snarl of annoyance form in my throat, but then cringed as it angered my wounds. Yes I had changed into something with claws enough to handle slashing through that cage, but it still left my paws sore, along with the fact I had to fight through security. They had been big men, bigger than me, so they had left a cut on my side. I wondered if they-the dogs--could smell the blood, warm, and unpleasant that dripped slightly from the scratches. I wonder if they would come across the tracking collar I had managed to lose on a wayward path. I wanted badly to stop and drink something, but I knew if I stopped running they would catch me again.

Or even worse, kill me.

Shivering, I kept on. I went through another brook, hoping this would throw them and their dogs off the scent. For just a second I lingered, the chilly water running around my feet cooling my aching paws and the few meager scratches that I had collected running through the forest The small gash on my side still bled warmly a little, running down my side and as red as my fur. In that still moment, I could both hear and feel my heart beat steadily pounding against my ribcage. I relished the feeling. It meant I was still alive, that I still had a chance of survival. I dipped my head into the creek and drank a little, getting my face wet. I shook myself slightly as I finished drinking, my stomach filled for the moment. It felt good, even if it made my wounds ache once more.

Cocking my ears around, I noticed the sounds of men and dogs had grown faint. Relief radiated through me. Perhaps I was safe for now, and did have a chance to rest. I walked onto the bank and onto a carpet of soft and fragrant pine needles. They felt good to my paws, and soon I was in the middle of a wide ring of pine trees. I finally sat down, and relished the wind on my face that did not carry the scent of men, the scent of dogs determined to rip me to pieces. It was only the clean fresh scent of nature. A sunbeam came through the trees and shined down onto my stomach, the safe warmth comforting to me as a blanket to a small child. There were no longer the sounds of danger, only the safe sounds of nature, the babbling of the nearby creek, birds flying through the trees, roosting, and the sound of the breeze making its way through the tree branches. I lay down on my stomach, resting my read on my front legs with a small sigh. I was safe here; I was so tired. And before I knew it, I felt my eyes closed.

And I slept.


Vegas always suited me perfectly. I could get a decent cigar for once, I could get GOOD cheap booze, and I could easily get a cheap woman for the evening, which was now lying in my bed with a satisfied look on her face. I was lying beside her propped up against the headboard; one arm perched behind my head, not really noticing the lazy circles she traced on my bare stomach. Her name was Candy, or Cindy or something with a C. I hadn’t caught it when I had ran into her at the bar, but did I really didn’t’ give a damn-I wouldn’t be seeing her again anytime soon. She was attractive enough, with red hair that curled just so at the nape of a slender neck, and heavy black eyes and a mouth that had pleased me well enough. I couldn’t help laughing at the fucking irony as I noticed it-she looked almost like Sally, in a strange way. I grabbed a cigar and lit it with amusement. Stray dogs may roam, but they always come back to the same alley don’t they?

The phone ringing beside the bed interrupted my thoughts; I barely held back an annoyed grunt. Nudging Candy or Cindy away slightly (to which she let out an annoyed huff I ignored) I picked it up, letting my cigar rest idly between my fingers and let hot ash deposit on the carpet.

“Blake here,” When I heard my own voice, I noticed how tired I sounded. I would have told myself I was getting too old for this shit, but the truth was, even at the point where most men were having a fucking midlife crisis and buying sports cars, I loved what I was doing.

“Blake,” a smooth voice came from the other line. I recognized it, but really didn’t know whom it belonged to. I never really did. I didn’t give a shit though, as long as they fattened my wallet. “Enjoying Vegas, I trust?”

I grinned and took a puff from my cigar. “Fucking fabulous. Saw those two idiots with the white tigers last night, in the hopes one of them would get either mauled or eaten.”

“-And?” the voice inquired, its tone amused.

“Waste of time. I had to get piss drunk to make up for the money I blew.” Cindy/Candy was getting dressed now. I watched her slide up her stockings; attach them to the garter she wore. I took a leisurely drag from my cigar and enjoyed the view.

“Easy come, easy go,” the voice said casually. “Anyways, a new proposition has come up.”

I barely flinched at that. I hated that word. Whores have propositions. I have MISSONS. I thought about telling him that, maybe calling him an ass, but I bit my tongue for once. Even I knew well enough to not bite the hand that feeds me. “Sure, tell me.”

“You’re going on a hunting trip,” the voice said casually. “For something very special that needs to be the American government’s possession for its own good.”

I raised a brow. Well, that was…. vague. “Like what, people or fucking shiny diamonds? Spit it out,” I was getting annoyed now. “I’m not in the mood for fucking witty banter.” Cindy/Candy stood in front of me now. A little impatient, but thankfully letting me talk without interruption. I reached up to her thigh and started stroking it lightly with my fingertips. I heard her giggle; it was loud so I pinched her lightly on the thickest part of her thigh, which quieted her. I saw an annoyed look cross her face. She now fully understood Daddy was on the phone now and baby girl needed to be quiet.

The voice let out a sigh. “Everything will be clear soon, Blake, didn’t you know patience is a virtue?”

I let out a gruff laugh. My fingers now trailed up her waist along her sides. They remembered caressing the skin there. Remembering how my fingernails had left marks. Marks that had made her moan out my name. Marks that would make sure she damn well remembered me. “Never was much for those. “

I heard a chuckle. “Be ready first thing starting tomorrow, we’ll have a ticket in your name at the airport. You’ll meet your contact at the Oregon airport and THEN you’ll know everything- oh, and Blake?”

I paused in gently tracing Candy/Cindy’s upper thigh. I looked up for a brief moment, and saw her eyes half closed in pleasure. I rubbed up, near her womanhood and found it already wet beyond belief. I smirked. “What?” My fingers easily found her opening, and I heard her moan. Frowning, I pinched her thigh again. Once she was quiet, I resumed my surprisingly gentle exploration.

“…Good luck.”

I was about to answer when the line went dead. It was Silent. I leaned over and put out my cigar, which had been sadly neglected during the call. I reminded myself to get more before I went. Something told me I’d need a lot of them before this whole fiasco was all over. After a moment, Cindy/Candy looked down at me, and smirked. “Want another go, big boy?” Her voice was like whipped cream, sweet and easy.

For a moment, temptation ran through me, but I thought against it. As much as I hated to admit it, I’d need to be rested. I stood and kissed her cheek, and patted her behind, squeezing it a little. “Sorry cupcake,” I said grinning. “Poppa’s got places to be,” I soon was handing her some bills, giving her behind another squeeze. “Go have a night out on the town. Hell, paint it red. Bet on some ponies for me. Have a drink or two if you feel so inclined.”

She gratefully grinned, and kissed my rough cheek. Grabbing her coat, she strutted out, leaving only myself, and the trailing scent of her perfume.

fan fiction

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