No Laughing Matter (Other Part of Eleven & Twelve)

Apr 10, 2009 05:02

Title: No Laughing Matter
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Eddie, OCs
Warning: Some language, sexual fantasies, explicit sex.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Watchmen...but I wouldn't mind if I did.
Author note: This is a continuation of the last portion. The Comedian is now off on his adventure. Keep this is shortly after he assignates Kennedy, before Nam, but maybe a week or two after the Minutemen meeting. Now I should mention I'm fudging a bit with the time I'm sure. Additionally, I tried to catch all of my typos but I'm sure there are still a few in there...please don't kill me! Also if you like, this portion let me know and I will post more! One final thing this ~*~*~*~*~ means there is a jump in time in the story...whether that is a little amount of time or little. Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it! :^)

After bumping and tossed from one side of the taxi to the other, it drove up onto a strip of tarmac. A small plane was there waiting. The car slowed to a crawl and their driver hopped out and got the door for them. Without so much as another glance, he headed to the plane’s steep steps that led on board; Julia he noticed was close on his heals. They both had to hunch over in order to get into the cabin.

“Welcome onboard.” Greeted a young woman with her red hair pulled back in a tight bun. “Please take a seat and buckle up, we’re going to be taking off immediately.” She told them.

He nodded at her, as he made his way to his seat, he heard Julia say some pleasantry to the woman.

Relief filled him when he saw there were no other passengers onboard. With a sigh he sat down in the middle beside a window, he closed his eyes. Then he felt as if someone was staring at him, looking up he saw her staring down at him.

“Would you mind if I sit next to you?”

He shrugged. “Go, right ahead baby.”

She then came and sat down beside him. Why she asked was beyond him but he wasn’t about to ask why. She buckled in. Once seated, the door closed with a bang and the lock slid into place with a clang.

“We should be arriving back in the states in roughly eight hours, where you two will have a connecting flight to DC.” A voice told them over a crackling PA system. “If you need anything our stewardess, Marcy will attend to your every need.”

Not long after silence filled the cabin, the engines roared to life then they were moving down the tarmac. Two small hands seized his upper arm and squeezed, the nails felt sharp even through the fabric of his shirt. Julia looked white as a sheet.

He chuckled she looked at him startled. “Don’t like take offs?” He asked her smirking.

“I, I hate them.” She managed to say.

Shifting in his seat he could see that they were moving very fast, he moved so that he was partially facing her. The grip she had on him didn’t lessen. He let his hand fall on her thigh; her eyes found his she looked even more startled he squeezed her soft skin. Slowly he drifted his hand up until it was under the flimsy cotton fabric, until his thumb was directly between her legs. He smirked as he heard her suck in a breath over. Blake, slowly and deliberately dragged his thumb up and down, the cotton grew wet very fast, he smiled. He leaned in close, he could feel her breath, and her grip on his arm began to loosen. Yet it tightened again in a different way, her nails no longer dug into his arm.

“That’s it girl, show Eddie what you want.”

He murmured close to her mouth as he felt the plane pull up into the sky. A short gasp, low moan came from her lips, he swallowed the sound as he crushed his lips into hers. He felt her arch against her seatbelt, against him. She finally wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. Blake did not let up the movements of his thumb; he was having too much fun. Gentle at first then more intensely he felt her shudder against him breaking the kiss, she collapsed breathlessly against the seat, it was only then did he let his hand slip from between her thighs. He licked his thumb, looking at her. Her eyes were wide as they looked back at him. She was trying desperately to catch her breath. “Not bad.”

He stretched. “Pull your dress down.” He muttered under his breath as he settled back into his seat. She did so, looking slight confused.

“Are you alright?” Asked the red head, concern in her voice.

“She just doesn’t like take offs all that much.” He smiled. “I held the poor thing; she was shaking like a leaf. I think it helped a little.” He looked over at Julia.

Julia cleared her throat, coughing slightly. “Yes, I’m fine. He’s right I just hate take offs.”

The woman nodded. “I had to get used them too, dear.” She paused. “Is there anything I can get you, now that we were at a comfortable altitude?” She looked at the two of them.

“Do you have some amaretto?”

The red head nodded.

“I will have a little bit of that in a glass with some ice please.”

“And for you sir?” She looked at him, smiling brightly.

“I’ll have a scotch.” He smiled, so, the little princess drank and didn’t object when things got little kinky, he mused.

“Ok, I’ll be right back with those.”

He noticed Julia watch the woman disappear behind a curtain not so far away from them. Then she turned and looked at him.


“Yes?” He smirked and put his hands behind his head.

She unbuckled, and curled up to him. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t see you protesting.”

“I didn’t. I’m not.” She said in a rush, making him smile even broader, he saw Julia pop her head up slightly before looking back at him slyly. Her hand fell into his lap. “But what about you?”

“This is going to be a long flight.” He winked at her. “You have plenty of time."


From his estimation, they would be landing in Florida, around 8 or so in the morning. After having his scotch, he had decided to shut his eyes for a short while. Sleep had consumed him deeply since he knew the states were within his grasp. Now, he was awake, feeling antsy and there was nowhere he could go. In the muted light from the night sky, he got up the only sound besides, Julia breathing softly was the hum of the engine.

He noticed that she had curled up in her seat, leaning towards him. The dress had ridden high up on her thighs; it barely left anything to the imagination. He chuckled softly, not that he needed it, he could still feel them. Blake also noticed the curve of her neck, and a distinct shadow that fallen over where her breasts were. He pushed back one side of the curtain that stewardess, had gone behind. He saw that she was also fast asleep, sprawled across three seats. Turning back, he angrily pulled the curtain back to where it had been. He leaned against the seats across the aisle from his seat. But what about you, he could hear Julia say, a coil of desire knotted in the pit of his stomach.

What about me, he asked himself, what do you want to do to me? You want to make Eddie happy don’t you? I’m sure daddy didn’t have this in mind when he hired me. He shrugged off the thoughts. It would only leave him frustrated and they still had quite a few hours before they were to land in Miami, even more before they were to arrive in Washington D.C. He did know this, he would have her again, he would even if he had to pull her into a deserted corner of the airport.

Yeah, he’d take her in a corner, he’d push her into the spot where the two walls would meet. Then open his pants just enough, pick her up push the dress to her hips and then, oh how he would enjoy the feel of her as he would fill her. Almost out of breath, he sat down in his seat, he slammed his fist against his armrest. That’s when the her scent filled his nose, he was sure it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

Damn, it wasn’t since Sally had he desired a woman so much, he thought angrily, had been a kid then. He was a man and this little princess was driving him up the wall. Reaching into his suit jacket, he grabbed one of his cigars. He stuffed it into his mouth, right as he felt a warm breath on his throat and a hand fall onto his thigh.

“I see that you’re awake.” The voice filled in his ear.

He took the cigar out of his mouth as a wide grin spread across his face. "What are we going to do about it?"

Her hand squeezed his thigh. “That’s up you.” The voice breathed, then he felt a soft warm tongue trace up his throat, his blood began rushing through his body.

He tucked the cigar back into his suit jacket. “But I have some ideas.” She continued.
Turning toward the voice, the muted moonlight coming in through the window made Julia look ethereal. He’d never seen her like this, the knot of desire that had grown with his fantasies a few mere minutes ago, tightened sharply. His mouth grew dry as he looked at her; he licked his lips it did little to help. “Then why don’t you show me what’s on your mind.”

“Alright.” She whispered he could smell the sweet scent of the amaretto on her breath. He wondered if she was going to lose her nerve. She had been great with this ambush seduction but how far could, would she go. He was going to let her have her fun. Of course, if she didn’t deliver he knew how to pull it out of her. He’d be able to get exactly what he wanted and how but that right now there wasn’t enough of a challenge in it.

He kept eye contact with her, she moved about in her seat, she bit her bottom lip and looked down. “I’m waiting.” A little push couldn’t hurt, he thought.

Then he heard the familiar click of her seat belt as she undid it. Her eyes met his once again. “Why don’t you sit back then?” She practically purred.

“I can do that.” He did so; he took the comfortable position of putting his hands behind his head, slouching in his seat he spread his legs apart and exhaled, looking at her. Thrill me, he thought.

Putting the armrest between their two seats, her cleavage was finally out of the shadow, if only for a moment. Getting up, she stepped between his legs. He watched as she reached under her dress and shimmed out of her panties, then tossed them to where she had been sitting. Smoothing the dress down, she then went and knelt between his legs. He chuckled softly; this was more like it. His chuckling ceased as her hands caressed the insides of his thighs; her touch was exquisite through his slacks. Blake wanting to see her face, wanting to see her looking up at him, he reached out and lifted up her chin, her eyes like gems sparkled in the light. He relished her looking up at him. Wordlessly he caressed her cheek, his fingers just barely touching her hairline, she leaned her head towards his touch.

“You like that?” He whispered.

As she opened her mouth to say something, he grazed his thumb across her lips. Her breath was hot as she exhaled harshly. He moved his thumb so it was just barely entering her mouth as he continued to caress her lips. Her hands tightened on his thighs, he smiled slowly. As he thumb brushed over her top lip again, he felt just the faintest of touches from her tongue. He smiled even wider, as he moved across her lower lip, he moved his thumb further into her mouth, her teeth just skimming him. He was half way across her mouth when she closed her lips around his thumb, her tongue twirled around it. He slipped the rest of it into her mouth and she took it, nibbling on it first then sucking on it gently, all the while still looking up at him. He felt himself immediately harden.

“You are quite the minx aren’t you?” He asked her, she smiled around his thumb.

Then she grabbed his hand, and slowly pulled his thumb from out of her mouth. Taking his hand, she grazed his thumb one more time across her lips as she closed her eyes, she dragged it slowly down her throat, then further down until it was between her breasts.

Freeing his hand from hers, and he slipped it under the cotton of the dress, grasping one of her breasts. He squeezed it before dragging his fingers against her very erect nipple she arched against his fingers, her lips parted.

Seeing Julia, like this was driving him wild with desire, he grabbed her by her upper arms pulling her towards him. He let one of his hands smooth over her back, then coiled around the strands of her long hair, and he pulled her hair back, he licked up her taunt throat, before looking down at her upturned face. She was breathing heavily through her pouty full lips. Eager to feel them, he crushed his lips into hers. Their tongues dueled in each other’s mouths she tasted wonderfully. He felt her reaching between them, her could feel as her hands trembled, it amused him. She was trying to undo his belt and pants. He broke the kiss and just looked at her, she didn’t waver from his gaze at first but then she looked down between the two of them, he smirked.

“Here let daddy do it.” He whispered, she looked at him then she softly bit her lip, looking at him from under her eyelashes. Reaching between, he found her hands; he dragged his hands up and down over her smaller ones before he undid his pants. Once he was done, he smirked at her.

She arched against him, looking at him; she leaned towards him and licked his throat. “Thank you.” She whispered demurely in his ear.

She got up slowly from him, and then kneeled on her seat towards him; he easily put his arms around her pulling her violently towards him. He wrapped one arm around her waist, a hand in her hair. She gasped at the sudden movement but kissed him excitedly. Her hand grasped onto his shoulder as he kissed her, then she broke the kiss and leaning against his grasp, she kissed and licked a trail down his throat.

Blake loosened his grasp on her; she smiled at him, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before freeing him from his pants. She kissed him greedily all the while her one hand held onto his hardened member, her hand lightly drifted up and down it. Then she broke the kiss breathless, she looked at him, then her mouth was warm and soft over him, he bit back a gasp as he felt her tongue and lips caress and explore him, delicately. After a while, he let a hand drift into her thick brown hair, he caressed her scalp while the other smoothed down her back then slipped under the dress. He caressed then squeezed her before continuing to let his hand drift further between her legs. As he let his fingers drag across her wet warmth, her mouth and tongue moved more feverishly on him. He teased her at first with his touches, she made a soft whimpering sound, and it was then that he finally put two fingers into her. He worked them slowly in and out of her, as he did so she brought a hand over and caressed him in time with the movements of her mouth and tongue. He bit the inside of his cheek, a groan managed to escape from his mouth. His fingers tightened in her hair, he tugged on it as she moved her head on him. He threw his head against the seat, swallowing hard as her mouth and tongue continued their pleasurable touches.

“Julia,” He managed to gasp. “Julia.” He pulled up on her hair.

She dragged her mouth with excruciating slowness, her tongue twirling around him one last time, making him fight the urge to not let his climax consume him. He swallowed hard, the moment her mouth left his flesh he immediately began to miss the feel of her mouth, her touch. She looked at him silently; a hint of confusion seemed to cross her face.

“Come ‘ere ride me.” Wordlessly, she hovered over him, their eyes met not able to wait any longer; he grabbed her by her waist and eased himself into her. He exhaled sharply as he filled her completely. Holding onto his shoulders she began rocking back and forth on him, he moved with her. Bringing her face to his, he kissed he could hear her muffled moans through their ardent kisses. It wasn’t long before he felt her straining against him, arching wonderfully into him. Then all at once, she collapsed against him, exhausted she crumpled against his chest. He thrust into her one last time before he finally allowed his came voilently, he managed only let a low groan to escape his lips. Breathing heavily, licking his lips he desperately tugged on his shirt and undid the first top buttons, as he felt her head nestle against his chest.


She leaned towards; she grasped his arm, worried furrowed her brow as she looked up at him. “I thought we were going to land and then fly right back to the D.C.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Now, that we’re here I don’t want to have to wait to get the load down from dad. I just want to get it over with.”

He smirked. “You just want to get rid of me.” He might as well begin pushing her, along with the feelings that tugged on him. He knew once they arrived in the states their paths would finally part, he didn’t exactly feel as overjoyed as he thought he would. Her bright eyes shining up to him, her smile talking with her, he liked it, liked all of it.

“Oh no, that was the last thing on my mind.” She squeezed his arm.

He winked at her. “Sure.”

A man like him didn’t deserve this; he was a man of action. He saw that, with how poorly he had initially handled the situation with Sally, he thought bitterly. It was no real surprise that she didn’t want him in her life. Now denying her from Laurel’s life was different but her, he understood it.

Easily he shook off the thoughts of Sally, he was able to lose himself in them moving around in the early morning traffic enjoyed the sight of the brightly colors American cars. To be breathing American air, was like a good scotch, it just tasted better than other places.

Distantly, he felt her hands slip from his arm, and fall to her lap. Deep down, he knew that, as much as she appeared to need him, want him. Damn, he could still feel as she took him into her mouth this morning, he bit the inside of his cheek to suppress the rush of desire he felt. He knew that the moment she was back in padded life with functions and those boys that that were already had training rulers up their asses, she would soon forget about him. She’d probably feel disgust, he mused bitterly.

Eventually they pulled up in front of a monolith of a hotel. The car came to a halt; the driver soon came around to their side and opened the door for them. Getting out, they were greeted by a man in a white suit with a blue shirt and sunglasses that hid his eyes.

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