Title: Rain
Pairing: Sean Bean / Orlando Bloom
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, it is untrue.
The rain sometimes reminds Sean of Orlando. Not in any romantic way, his eyes never looked like the sky after a storm, his body didn’t taste of a cloudburst.
The risk of memory is that it tinges everything pink, makes it more beautiful, more perfect, less work than it was at the time.
Sean doesn’t think of Orlando much. Sometimes the memory of his laugh will tease at his ears, or suddenly he’ll be doing something with his hands, digging into the dirt, shaping the air to make a point and he’ll have a flash at the edges of his vision of Orlando’s white hips and the way they fit in his palms.
And the rain. It was perhaps the third to last time. The hotel apartment by the beach in Mexico. There was a storm outside and Orlando had been caught in it, struggled into the room like a drowned rat in designer sunglasses.
And they had both laughed ‘retired to the shower’ and Sean had watched Orlando warm up, turn his smile on that promised sex. The rain drumming against the windows, the spray from the shower breaking on Sean’s back and against the tiles. And the way that Orlando’s hips slotted into his hands.