Aug 19, 2008 16:00
The bat cowl goes well. I went to the art shop and bought some plastercine, modrock and latex.
I did ask for modeling clay, but they offered me some really expensive stuff that wasn't what i want, I've always know plastercine as modeling clay. Anyway, yes, ti goes well, the facial features are now coming out, I've built up the cheeks a bit to give it that armor look, but something about it doesn't seem to work, not sure what it is, but I will know soon enough.
I'm trying to find good images of the cowl from The Dark Knight, it's bloody hard work. There are allot of Batman Begins ones, but I want the TDK one as it has more defined features.
I'm sure I will find something, it's a bit of a hybrid/ custom job, making it more personal and more operatic I feel.
Well, I have to go and get ready for work.
Later Days