
May 17, 2007 23:17

And so begins the awkward summers. .. . frankly i love watching 5th graders move to middle school; 8th graders move to high school, 12th graders move on to . . . life

The 5th graders are usually quiet to start and excited inside. They tend to keep things low key until they all band together with other kids their age and then they usually fit right into the middle school madness. So much energy and excitement!!

The 8th graders are usually already trying to be high schoolers. They also tend to keep things low key until they start high school and then they usually jump into crazy relationships, football games, movies, parties and feel very grown up! They are my favorite because they don't take themselves too seriously once they get into high school and still like to be silly. . . . they look forward to their four years in high school. . . they think they can change the world!

The 12th graders are usually "doing their own thing." I love hearing this phrase. . . I love all the unknowns, the moving, the new jobs, new relationships, homes and friends. It's funny how you get tons of money for graduation and then by the time school starts you have spent it all! This summer is a make or break ya. You taste your first real freedoms - not just bedtimes or how to spend your money but who you spend time with when you are no longer forced (b/c of public education) to see them everyday. Who will you stick with and make efforts to keep in  your life? Who will leave you behind? Who will you become? What will people say when they describe you? You really only get more like yourself. . .

This is obviously just some late night thoughts but every summer my friends and I reflect on the ironic nature of summers. Youth always look forward to this free time and then by the end of it they are ready to move on. . .

just some rantings of an old woman . . .
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