Chex Mix, and..Diet Pink Lemonade Snapple?

Jun 10, 2005 20:37

I haven't touched this thing in's probably just about time. Wow..the last day of school really snuck up. Every day this week strangely felt a little like the last, except this one. Seems like that happens a lot--just before any break. I haven't really been looking forward to the end of school. I have four regents to take and a bunch of finals, in addition to a paper I have to write for IB history. This just feels like Part II of what we've had coming at us, in a way. I have to get out of here for the summer...definitely not spending all of my time here.. :/

I was reminiscing with a few people about what it was like, getting to this point. It's really amazing, if you take a minute...remember elementary school? Remember the half-days we would get this time of the year? There would be some PTA meeting or something, and we would all leave at like 11:00. We never switched classes--the teacher would just sort of slide from subject to subject. Haha the day would seem to go on forever. Remember eating in class, with all your friends? Haha and we would have to hold onto the rope to stay in line, whenever we were coming from the "all-purpose room." Remember when the teachers used to shut the lights off to get our attention? That never meant anything good. Haha or the clapping pattern we would all have to imitate...

It's weird how different everything is now. The "mean" teachers were the ones who gave homework on Friday' was well compensated for, however, when your birthday was the main event of the day, and we would celebrate with some sort of treat, or a no-homework pass...every holiday would be something huge. You just felt it all over the school, when all the teachers dressed in colors, and decorations would hang was like nothing else ever mattered. During Halloween, sometimes you see the little kids come and parade throughout the commons, in their costumes. You see their subtle looks of amazement at all of the big kids walking around, their snickers at the kissing couples, the whispers they make to all of their friends...

Grades were so "important" back then. Everyone puts in such an effort at that age, there wasn't anyone who didn't do their homework. Who would commit such a crime?
If there was ever anyone who achieved a state of mediocrity, it was known all over the school. Everybody knew each other, by one connection or another. Everyone would talk to one another, just like a very large family. Remember that? Popularity really didn't become an issue until Middle school.

That's when we all became super-cool, switching classes, and having lockers to store all our books and jackets. What happened in those few months? It was almost a magical transition, that had such a large-scale effect on everybody. People started smoking as they got more comfortable with their new surroundings, and it was knew about it. It got around, it was the new thing to do. People would cut class, sometimes merely for the sake of cutting...haha where would they go?

Everything mattered too much in Middle school. It was a very dramatic period. We were all growing, physically and emotionally, and it was really just an incredible shift. The most memorable aspect, for me, were the canteens we would have every so often. You got the feeling that people would let loose a little bit, in their innocent sense of maliciousness, you know?

Well...I think I've rambled enough for now. Congratulations if you have made it this far yourselves...Please, have a wonderful evening...

Xx Love xX
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