Jan 10, 2006 20:58
Finally finished Ultimate Stalin.
We had the final head-to-head competition today between the three people who scored the highest on the first Stalin test...
And Michelle owned.
yay Michelle!
before the video, and before any of the testing for this...
she told me one night that she was only doing this for the fun of it, she didn't want to take any of it too seriously and make it stressful. She just wanted to have fun with it.
That's exactly what she did throughout the whole project, she constantly held this upbeat enthusiasm about whatever it was that we were doing. And she did great, it was awesome...she came back from a score of -1 and killed. So good for her.
Liz was so pissed...she stormed out of the room when she lost...
It was close, but Michelle won extra points when she won the crafting of Stalin's face in play-dough race...
I'm really upset that I've made more than one entry about this project.
we're finishing this unit with a writing test on Stalin Thursday...and then we're starting another project very similar to this one, on the Cold War.."Cold Warriors"...
Should be interesting...
And for something slightly less interesting...
I was listening to music before...
not really paying attention to it, just sort of tranced...
and then this one song came on that I guess I just forgot I had on my mp3 player
and as I was listening to it...
it really hit me.
It touched me in such a vulnerable area...
today hasn't exactly been one of my better days..
and the lyrics to the song just touched me in such a strange way...