Jan 30, 2007 08:58
well today is one of the last days in january. before i know it, it will be my birthday and time to start uni again (just when the couch and the tv remote were becoming my new best friends, haha how sad.)
it's amazing how fast life is going. it's scary to think that i graduated from school 2 years ago!! i miss school, but i like uni. it's not bad. and that i will be starting my 2nd year of pharmacy in 4 weeks! my little sister started her first day of year 8. it's insane how fast that has come, cause to me, she is still like an 8 year old.
my holidays have been alright, ive been fairly bored with my boy and all of my close friends working, and i have received not many hours so yeah. oh well. ive just been watchign tv, visiting my granparents...nothing too exciting. however my family and i went to brissie for 8 days or something to visit soem rellies and that was fun as. dad also had a conference at work but we had the best fun with the family. we stayed with my aunty barb for 4 days. in that time we managed to go out to dinner with all our rellies on brissie...table for 15 :), shopping (of course), play various board and card games, as well as a million rounds of hide and go seek, and the funnest part of all making home movies. when you're around a 14, 13, 11 and 7 year old that are extremely hyper and excitable, you cant help them brushing off on you. haha.
the 1st home movie was the '2007 annual hide and go see best hiding places awards' i think that's enough said. i was the host, and my cousins were the nominees, each hiding in their best spots. rather funny, but i guess you had to be there. the next day we made another one, which was like a talk show, interviewing 'the superheroes you never knew about' which ended up being a paraody of all superheroes and harry potter :P except we were the superheroes' little sisters, who sucked at being a superhero at all. and of course i was made the star (i didnt take much convincing either, an excuse to dress up like an idiot, who could turn that down!) so overall: alot of laughs.
the next 4 days were spent at the hotel where dad's conference was, with mum, len and i WALKING to queen street mall everyday for shopping. my god, my legs got a workout! but it was good. i also caught up with a friend who had moved to brissie and we went shopping. that was good. we also got stuck in wicked traffic, but it was fun just to sit patiently with the stereo blared with music we would always listen to in the old days :P by the end of the trip though i couldnt wait to get home and see my lovely, and just to be in the my environment...especially my darling bed. haha.
anyway i think i might join the couch in watching tv.
me xo