Hey everybody today was boring:
*1st hour: Mr. Bailieis was boorrriiing had to take the lousiana purchase quiz, only knew one and the answer was the Sagawaja, paige thought it was Pablo Pike!
*2nd: Art - did our GAY GAY GAY GAY art project - called a "fake" stained glass window....HATE IT!!
*3rd: Eckstein, umm holocaust crap - boring - sad - blah -
*4th: Math - gay - hard - and boring
~~Skill Center~~
Umm had 1st- Cooking - yess it rocked, Sarah tripped 876837638756756 times~~~!! blah bloah blah (haha captian obvious)
Cosomotology- was sooo close to get my hair done - took 2 long dang....
Dental - ummm watched this lady talk with a retainer icky icky
Found out that Garrett didn't even go bumme
r bummer bummer - he forgot his permission slip hhaha-procrastinator! But he's adorable
Also found out that chelsea saw me and didin't come say hello, maybe cuz she was intimadated by my hawtness - yeah thats what it though!! haha j/k
Well when i got home i was soo oin the mood to draw sooo i went back out by my golf-coarse sat on a rubber blow up ball and drew, the sun was very warm and i loved watching the golfers - sooo peaceful
Since i'm RETARTED and forgot my camera for the skill center i took pics of the place where i drew pics lol
The path way right behind my house that lead to gold coarse, doesn't it look peaceful? yeah me 2
took this while i was sitting down, it turned out good, dont ya think?
Love everyone one bunches
<3 jenny