Oct 02, 2005 14:07
yeah now I dont have a car...I ride my bike up to the party store and buy frozen white castel burgers and thats very entertaining to me right now LMAO I would have never knew that was fucking fun as hell. They do tast good. OK I'm not depressed because of that and I'm not really even depressed, um well here I go I had sex the other day and it was the best sex I've ever had, I dont consider it sex though, it was making love. When I was in elementry I was buddies with him in 2nd grade..AND sat next to him in science class in 9th grade and would stare at him all hour even got a D in that class because every day I would stare at him and when he would look back I would make it clear that I was stareing at him hopeing to god that he was gay I would literally go home (no lie)and Jack off thinking about kissing his beautiful lip and and then pray to god that I would have him. Well my wish came true but my wish should have happend along time ago, hes moving to cali in a month. I even cried last night because its so overwelming, this hardly ever happens to us gay boys. And I got my dream fantasy now its going to be down the drain. I'm spending to much time dwelling on this but actully it feels really good and exciting the sex was so intense knowing in my mind wile it was happening that when we were 6 years old we sat on the swing set together durring recese and said lets be best friends ok? and we did god why does something so good have to always last so short. Love always comes to us so unexpected and happens so fast why why why...if he wasnt moving then we would both be holding hands right now making love plaing our future together telling eachother how much we love eachother and how much we both wanted this to happen and somehow god broght us together...Well I want to see him so bad I have a month and I think it would make me feel better to see him a few times then again I feel like it would make it harder for us to say goodbye specailly him. Anyone have advice?