thisiscyrene Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/literary works and put their summaries from Better than it Sounds ( and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess.
(Final Fantasy Tactics) 1.Amongst a Thirty Xanatos Pileup, a guy tries to save his sister from Jesus.
2.Your daughter gets lost in a foggy resort town, and an antiques dealer tries to convince you that she's actually her daughter. The cop and the doctor don't clarify things. Silent Hill
3.A game of let's pretend where you kill tribes of evil fantasy races and take their stuff and get periodic powerups. Dungeons and Dragons
(Settlers of Catan)4.Battle it out for who can control the most of a small island with a really weird, hexagon based, geography. Someone will more than likely get wood for sheep during the proceedings.
(Witch Hunter Robin) 5.Like Law And Order, only the bad guys can throw fire around and crush you with their minds.
(Ferris Bueller's Day Off) 6.Smartass kid neglects his education, shamelessly manipulates the sympathy of his parents and those around him and, for his own self-gratification, triggers a series of events that results in the destruction of his best friend's father's priceless car. Without remorse. Despite this, everyone loves him.
(Xena) 7.Ancient Greek women beat people up and engage in lesbian subtext.
8.You and your friends are surrounded by fast zombies and friendly fire is on. Left 4 Dead
9.Ragtag Bunch Of Misfits fight homophobic Monster Clown. IT
10.A man tells his bored teenaged children stories about himself when he was younger. Evidently there's nothing good on TV in the future.
* Or: A man tells his children the story of how he met a bunch of women who AREN'T their mother with the help of Doogie Houser. How I Met Your Mother
11.Titular character continually gets screwed over by "best friend", an emo with an utter lack of sense and commitment. The Big Bad looks like a mix between Voldemort and Michael Jackson. China invades. Naruto
12.An eccentric foreigner with a strong accent travels across America making everyone feel uncomfortable.
**(this is the real one, but its posted in reference to the first)As above, but with gay jokes. Lots and lots of gay jokes. Bruno
13.People avoid dying in an accident, only to die more gruesomely later. Final Destination
* Alternately: Gruesome depictions of the consequences of home and workplace safety violations.
(Jumanji) 14.A (board) game of life or death.
15.Disturbed teenager works with his dead mother to turn humanity into goo.
* Possible alternate title: "The other ending was too dark and confusing? How's THIS?!" The End Of Evangelion movie.
16.Artist mopes because girlfriend is dead. At her request, he is put through Hell-but at least a poet he admires greatly is there to guide him through it. He gets better, but even then he has a long journey ahead of him. Dante's Inferno
17.A man spends the night in a town populated by fish-people. The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
18.Cheerful, dim-witted kitchen utensil works as a fry cook at an underwater fast-food restaurant. Spongebob Squarepants
(Megaman X) 19.A Technical Pacifist kills a bunch of animals and a bald man. His friend dies.
20.A boy and his friends go camping.
* Alternately: A boy and his friends skip school.
* Or: A boy spends a year trying to kill a man. He eventually succeeds. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows