YAGKYAS 2011 Good Cookies!

Dec 16, 2011 10:28

Hi all! The mods are working on YAGKYAS to go live next week, but in the meantime, here's this year's Good Cookie post!

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Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 abrokencompass December 16 2011, 22:44:09 UTC
They talked back and forth for the next fifteen minutes about changes to be made and a couple of other documents that needed to be filed, and then the food came. After that, the situation quickly devolved into two old Harvard buddies reminiscing about the good ol' days. Mike caught Brad rolling his eyes several times.

"I remember one time the guys from Kennedy tried to get back at us for a stunt we'd pulled the month previous-" Harvey would start, or "Remember that time at the pub when-"

Mike didn't begrudge Harvey his need to catch up with an old friend, but had to admit to a certain level of boredom, which appeared to be shared by Brad.

"Or remember," Nate started, only to be interrupted by Brad.

"If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here. I can only take so much high-brow reminiscent circle-jerk talk, even for you Nate." Although he at least looked a little apologetic about saying it, towards Nate at least, so Mike didn't mind too much.

"Sure," Harvey agreed easily. "How about we talk about how the two of you got together? Who made the first move? Was it romantic? Candlelight and soft music in the background?"

Harvey was smirking at across the table at Brad as Nate folded his face into his hands, blush evident. "Great, you just had to open that can of worms."

Brad shot Nate a smirk. "Actually, it was right after we got back from Iraq in 2003. We were on leave, and a friend of ours, Poke, had a barbeque at his place. Nate here got drunk off his ass and decided it would be a splendid idea to pull me into the bathroom and have his way with me. Very romantic. Isn't that right, honey?"

"I still remember how to kill a man nine different ways with my pinkie," Nate threatened. Of course, Mike guessed that threats didn't really hold up too well when the man you were threatening was another highly trained Recon Marine.

"Oh please, you know you'll just take it out on me tonight when we get home. And really, that's incentive enough to do it."

Mike could feel his own cheeks begin to burn at the conversation going on across the table. Sure, he and Harvey had been together for a while by now, and it wasn't unheard of for them to get a little wild in bed, but they never talked about it. Well, Mike never did. Harvey did when he was horny and they were stuck late at the office.

"Anyways," Nate interrupted Brad firmly, turning towards Harvey and Mike. "What about you two?"

Mike's eyes widened as he turned quickly to look at Harvey, only to see the other man's eyes were slightly larger than normal, although he quickly recovered. So he hadn't told Nate, then, the other man was just...freakishly perceptive. "What about us?"

"How did you two get together," Brad asked, maniacal grin in place. The man honestly scared Mike a little bit.

"Oh, you know, Mike here lusted after me fairly obviously for a couple of months after I hired him. Practically stared at me with hearts in his eyes. I finally decided to put the boy out of his misery and give him what he so obviously wanted," Harvey finished.

Mike's stare turned into a glare. "Is that so, Harvey? Because I seem to remember that it was you who-"

"Careful, Mike. Words have consequences. And that couch isn't comfortable for long periods of time."

Mike wisely shut up, and plotted his revenge.


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 kubis December 16 2011, 23:33:10 UTC
I'm grinning right now. :D And I just bet Brad would roll his eyes at Nate when he'd have to sit through something like that. ;)


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 abrokencompass December 16 2011, 23:37:38 UTC
:D glad you liked it! Brad isn't the most patient of men about things like that, I bet.


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 fioletova December 17 2011, 00:02:11 UTC
This is funny and so very lovely! Thank you for writing :)


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 abrokencompass December 17 2011, 03:25:12 UTC
Thank you! Glad you liked it :)


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 accol December 17 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
AWESOME! I love the idea of B/N seeing through H/M's "secret" with no problem at all. Also, the idea of the four of them in a pub together... hoo boy! Lots of footsie under that table. :)


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 abrokencompass December 17 2011, 03:26:17 UTC
haha yeah, I figure Brad and Nate would be smart enough. After all, H/M aren't really that good at hiding themselves. and I bet there IS a lot of footsie! lol

Hope it was near what you were looking for! :)


Re: Fill: Brad/Nate & Mike/Harvey, suits x-over, "If another H-bomb drops, I'm outta here" 2/2 accol December 17 2011, 03:30:08 UTC
It must have been because I really am spending a lot of time thinking about these four! :) I think Nate & Brad would enjoy Mike's resourcefulness and crazy memory.


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