Now that yagkyas assignments have gone out, let me know if anyone wants to resurrect the Fic Finishing Fest for November. I've settled in at work and shouldn't have a problem with the daily posts.
It's easy. Writers sign up with a commitment to finish a fic during the month. Non-writers, or writers with no fic to finish, sign up as First Readers. Each day I post a writing exercise designed to help writers get words on the page. When needed, First Readers read a story being written and cheer the writer on. No beta work, no criticism, just encouragement to get the story finished.
In the comments of each post, writers post their daily word count and EVERYONE cheers and encourages. When someone finishes, we celebrate. I got two loooong fics finished over the summer. PJVilar got one done. It was pretty productive. Mostly, though, it's fun and social and I got to know so many more GK fans than I had known before.
If you click on the tag for Day Post, you can see what went on. It always starts out very active at the beginning and gets quiter toward the end of the month as we all got serious about writing and stopped chatting quite so much, but it was hysterically good fun.
There may be no need for it this month since YAGKYAS and Yuletide both are only 1,000 word minimums. Those of us who used the fest to write warbigbang had a 20,000 word minimum.
In the comments of each post, writers post their daily word count and EVERYONE cheers and encourages. When someone finishes, we celebrate. I got two loooong fics finished over the summer. PJVilar got one done. It was pretty productive. Mostly, though, it's fun and social and I got to know so many more GK fans than I had known before.
If you click on the tag for Day Post, you can see what went on. It always starts out very active at the beginning and gets quiter toward the end of the month as we all got serious about writing and stopped chatting quite so much, but it was hysterically good fun.
There may be no need for it this month since YAGKYAS and Yuletide both are only 1,000 word minimums. Those of us who used the fest to write warbigbang had a 20,000 word minimum.
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