CJSF3 Round 3 Day 12

Jul 24, 2011 13:43

Excerpted from ficfinishing

Sunday! Two more days!

Gather up all your momentum for the homestretch!

Have faith that all your efforts until now will aid you in reaching the end.

Author Tasks for Day 12

It's Day 12 in the 14 days of the active portion of our round.

1. Gather up your energy for one final assault on the fic

Now is the time to rally your remaining reserves and sprint for the finish line. Like with any running, keep an eye on when to start your final all out run since if you start too soon you'll run out of gas.

Tip: Tap First Readers, friends, betas, anyone who can boost your energy by cheering you on. Don't be shy - this point is critical in moving you from partial to finished.

Tip: Try not to leave your writing session until the final hour before you go to bed. By that time you're wiped out and not likely to have much energy for the project. It's better to see if you can find some time earlier: put off doing the dinner dishes, order take out or sneak in some time on the train during your commute home.

2. Check your reaction to the word 'deadline'

Raw panic? Raised anxiety? Just a twinge of worry? The more you understand about how you react, the better chance you have of getting to the bottom of why and hopefully using that to figure out how to change your reaction. Remember: this is fic. It's not world peace, people. The world will keep spinning if your fic is not done when you want it to. I'm certainly proof of that.

Tip: Try thinking back to a previous fic deadline you missed. Were the consequences really that bad in retrospect?

3. Look at where the 31st is on a calendar

The active part of the round ends as of Day 14, but don't panic if your fic isn't quite finished; there's still a few more days past that before the round ends on the last day of the month. Also authors are welcome to sign up for the same fic more than once. Some fic are more stubborn than others so they might take more than one round to conquer.

Tip: Take a second look at your fic. The comm rules suggested you pick one you could finish within two weeks. Perhaps you misjudged how long it was going to be, but it's helpful to calibrate your assessments by comparing them to actual performance as in this round.

Tip: Make sure to change your calendar of appointments for writing sessions to reflect your need for more time. You may have to shift some other things to next month, but if you can add the hours you need to finish your fic by the final day of the month you'll feel better about it.

And if you can, WRITE!

First Reader Tasks for Day 12

As with any day in the round you can offer your services or be asked.

Reminder to Authors!

Post your word counts/number of new words on each of these daily posts to track your progress!

fic finishing fest: round 3, fic finishing fest: daypost

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