Good Cookies: Prompt and Fill Post, Round Three

Dec 10, 2012 21:52

Good Cookie, definition: 1. Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal; 2. Generation Kill fanworks created for YAGKYAS. Can include short (under 1000 words) ficlets, drabbles, drawables, mixtapes, fanart, whatever!

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challenge: yagkyas, challenge: good cookies

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perpet_fic December 19 2012, 06:31:46 UTC

"Here comes Hanukah Day. It is super-gay. Eight days of presents is just bullshit for peasants."

Brad doesn't even open his eyes. He's trying to catch twenty minutes, figuring it's all he'll get if he doesn't . "Weak as fuck," he says.

"Hanukah's hard to rhyme, dude. Why can't you just be a Christian so we can rip off all the good songs?"

Before Brad can inform Ray that he really doesn't want to hear any songs regardless of religious denomination, Ray bursts into song again.

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
scope the family over the berm
fuck up their shit
make the liberals squirm

"It's March, Ray," Brad says, still not opening his eyes.

"Gotta get into the spirit early, Bradley. If they can put up the Christmas trees at Wal-Mart in August, we can totally start caroling in March."

"If you don't shut up, I'm gonna dig a grave, bury you in it, and leave you there."

Ray's response is, predictably, another song:

Jingle Bells, Bradley Smells
Trombley's a creep
The victor's wheel's
a piece of shit
We never, ever sleep

"We'd sleep if you'd shut the fuck up," Walt yells down from the top of the victor, and a moment later, a balled-up MRE packet hits Ray in the back of the head.

"I am trying to bring some fucking cheer!" Ray announces. "Fucking heathens."

"Ray, shut up," Brad says, and he is just nearly asleep when he feels Ray shift. He reaches over and grabs Ray's arm, his eyes still closed, and says in the coldest voice he has, "I will jam my k-bar in your windpipe, saw a hole in your throat, and fuck you through it if you do not shut up."

Ray slumps and shrugs off Brad's arm and mutters, more quietly than he's done anything else in the last half hour, "Go to sleep, Brad."

Brad grabs Ray's arm again, squeezing once before loosening his grip. Ray doesn't shrug him off, and they get a whole twenty-five minutes before they're knocked awake to go oscar mike.


dargai December 19 2012, 11:46:58 UTC
Oh wow, Bradley. You're your own version of psycho when you try! You did sleep deprivation scarily well. I can't say I've ever used those words, but I've definitely made some death threats at the end of finals weeks.

And thanks to Ray, I'm going to have some trouble with my carols come Saturday.


perpet_fic December 29 2012, 03:33:06 UTC
I might have some experience with sleep dep. And by "some" I mean "lots." Brad does not like to threaten, but Brad also does not like getting his sleep interrupted by Ray's screeching. It's a double-edged sword, you know.


fandomfan December 20 2012, 01:59:44 UTC
Hah! yes!

This is precisely the brand of manic Ray I had in mind with that prompt.

Favorite part?

"We'd sleep if you'd shut the fuck up," Walt yells down from the top of the victor, and a moment later, a balled-up MRE packet hits Ray in the back of the head.

There it is!


perpet_fic December 29 2012, 03:33:56 UTC
Walt is the guy everything thinks is all quiet and sweet until you catch him at just the wrong moment and discover he's not only just as bad as the rest but possibly even worse. But his huge adorable face gets him away with everything.

I'm so glad you liked it!


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