I really enjoyed the first episode of s4!!! Just saw it and could not resist to post because it feels good to share the vampires love with you guys.
There are interesting settings concerning the different characters' development there, I can not wait to see where Alan Ball is taking us!
Yes...maybe the most important thing to me... (oh well, not even ashamed!!) LOVE BILL HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First time in TB history!!
It really sounds lame, I know, but it goes with my growing love for the character. Bill is really growing on me since last season and while Eric's journey is frankly too predictable to me (this season will be for the Eric/Sookie fans I guess and well...Eric's obsession for Sookie is not my cup of tea) Bill always surprises me and I LOVE HIM AS OUR MAJESTY!!!! yay. I need a new Bill icon.
Do I need some time to grief Sophie-Anne????
JASON IS Andy's FAIRY GODMOTHER - at least in my mind and I love their dynamic, it's always been incredibly well-written and well-acted between these two and I loved Jason there, interesting turn for this character.
I almost died laughing when I saw how Sam and his little friends are spending their evenings...lol! Same with Jessica and Hoyt, love these two, I adored their domestic scene, brilliant.
And Tara as a lesbian could be funnier and more interesting than I thought it could be...let's wait and see how they handle it.
Overall I love the idea of the jump in time, it allows a very new take on the characters and it's refreshing in a way. Interesting.
I can't wait to hear from you guys, first impressions?