God, where is the slash in TB ????
I just finished s2 this week-end and god, that was fraking amazing !!!!!!!!
I didn't like the show so much while i was watching s1, but i have nothing to say against that second season, i just completely loved it. I adored that kind of Lynch-atmosphere, sometimes i could swear i was watching a scene that Lynch could have written, and i loved it SO completely !!
Of course my slashy mind has been seriously charmed by Eric, i can see the boy with every single other character .... (ummm, maybe not Sam, i don't know why, i can only imagine Sam with a woman)
And of course i have a crush on the whole Eric/Bill pairing, cause there's a strong tension between them and listening to Eric calling his fellow vampire " Billy " was something quite delicious ..... the very slashy Queen suggested a very clever thing boys, instead of fighting for Sookie, just take care of each other, we know you so want it .......
Proof ?
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The boys are delicious, aren't they ??????
oh Alex and Stephen do want some action, and Anna is such a slashy fangirl too !!!
I just love the interview.
As a hardcore Buffy fan, i can't forget that Joss never achieved anything between Spike and Angel, i say Alan, just go for it !
Strangely i never was a real Spangel fan, so weird.
This time i only have eyes for the boys !
Except for the fabulous vids of Sookie and Eric made by the fab
darlapr0duction ( and there's more at her youtube channel, worth the try seriously ....
www.youtube.com/user/DarlaPr0duction )