Jul 22, 2004 20:35
let me recount my glorious day for you... it will make you laugh hopefully because it is my goal to make others laugh from my misery...it is also my goal to be a dork...i am pretty deleriously tired right now so do not hold this against me...
story #1
i put my contact in my right eye. i start to put my other contact in my left eye, it falls into the sink. i decide to put on new contacts because the left one is dirty. i put the right contact in the right eye. i put the left contact in the left eye. i go downstairs. i realize that i can't really see and that my vision in blurry. my mom suggests i put my contacts in the wrong eye and that i switch them. i do this. by now i am late. i come back downstairs, but if anything my vision is worse. i change them back again only to find that i have two contacts on my right eye. i had never taken the first one out. now i have three contacts, two eyes, and i dont know which two are new, which one is old, and which contact goes with which eye. by now i am extremely late. i shove a contact in each eye. things are still blurry. i decide to go to camp anyways because i am so late. i still can not see clearly, but hey it provided a funny story to talk about at camp today.
story #2
i was going to say how i was forced to do hours and hours of tie-dye today and how a kid squirted it all over me and blah blah blah, but this story is complainy and not funny and just plain boring, so it will be skipped
story #3
a kid brings in her pet frog to camp today. the counselors forget to show it to the kids. it is decided that we will keep it at camp overnight and show them tomorrow. the kid leaves. one of the really young C.I.T.s decides that she's going to bring it out to show the kids in aftercare, while they are eating their snack. she goes to do something else. i am left with the frog and a couple kids who are watching it...
conversation: Jimmy hits the cage. "Jimmy don't hit the cage" "why?" "because how would you like it if you were in a cage and someone hit you" blank stare he doesnt hit the cage for a while, so i decide it is safe to go pour some more juice for another kid. i come back to Jimmy shaking the cage "Jimmy, stop it!" i grab the cage out of his hands. i notice one of the frogs is lying on his back not moving. "teacher, how come the frog is sleeping? its daytime" "um, i dont know Jimmy hold on a second" panicking i try and move the cage to see if the frog will move. it doesnt. its most definatly dead. "did i kill the frog?" "no jimmy, dont worry, he probably is just sleeping" so tomorrow i have to tell a little girl that her frog was killed. yippee.
other funny comments about the frog courtesy of William, another camper
"Where does it wash its hands?"
"Do frogs have butts"
"How does it go to the bathroom"
"If it goes poop in its cage then how come they dont have poop all over them?"
oh little kids, gotta love them