Mar 20, 2004 00:31
so tonight was anna's birthday and we went to thats amore for dinner. it was good and i ate to much and the jeans were def. unbuttoned by the end. haha then we went to danny vogels house, where i'd been before, but i dont really know him. it was so much fun, like so much more fun than i expected because i realized just how much i missed those girls. i hadn't hung out with them in a long time and even tho i know that iv'e kinda gone my seperate way i loved hanging out with them and i hope that we do it a lot more often before we all leave for college. it made me kind of wonder what my life would be like right now if i hadn't gone iceskating on that fateful night. i didn't want to go, i was scared to make new friends, but anya forced me and i'm glad i did because it started a lot of the wonderful friendships that i treasure so much today. but still, what would have happened if i had remained friends with the same people? would i be a different person? i don't think so. if tonight taught me one thing its that we're not so different after all. i think people are under the impression that different groups of friends act differently. i dont think thats true anymore. it was like hanging out with my other friends, only with different jokes. i'm not saying that either group is better or that i would have been better off with either group. i'm just saying that i wonder how my life would be different. i'm also saying that i enjoyed the change of pace tonight and i would like, in the future, to hang out with both groups of people a little more because they are both incredibly fun to hang out with. another thing that tonight brought up was the guy factor. i realized again just how much i like hanging out with older guys and how i am ready to go to college and meet more guys. they seemed so mature and comfortable witht themselves. its not that i dont have fun with some of the guys in our grade, its just that there really are not that many of them. i think i am finally ready for college and yet, i'm going to miss all my friends so incredibly much. we have been through so much together. i love you all.