Nov 19, 2004 02:40

BEWARE FOLKS THE SHOW IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE!!!!!!!! I went to pass out flyers tonight after the Kwali show and OH MY GOD talk about everyone being like..."OH SHIT FORREAL LET ME GET THAT FLYER!"...Jessica came through like a champ thanks many people wanted to get involved so they can help make this a success..even have people that are going to film the event! WOW if tech only knew the love he gets!...all of a sudden im feeling FUCKING GREAT aout the keep my self pumped up so ill keep on out


Headlining Immortal Technique
Akir and Los Nativos, with special guest DJ till 2am.

Doors open 6:30pm
Show Starts promptly at 8
All Ages

$12 at door
$10 with canned food
$10 if purchased in advanced
Group discounts available for advance purchase of 3 or more tickets

Mexico Lindo
8786 Richmond Hwy
Alexandria, VA 22309


The struggle for indigenous rights in Mexico is more than 500 years old. The most important recent manifestation in this struggle is the Zapatista uprising, which began on January 1, 1994, the same day that NAFTA went into effect. The Zapatistas raised a new level of consciousness among indigenous communities throughout Mexico with their call for autonomy and indigenous rights. The Zapatistas gave birth to the National Indigenous Congress, which has developed into an important national political space.

Today there are between 12 and 28 million indigenous in Mexico (depending on who is doing the counting and whether or not city-dwellers or other migrants are considered "indigenous"). Struggles for indigenous rights are particularly active in the southern states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero.

For more information on indigenous struggles in Mexico, check out

Once again thanks for your interest and thanks for making this happen.

Luis Fernando
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