Jul 01, 2008 18:06

Went to see WALL-E today. AMAZING movie, and definitely not a kid movie despite it being cute and animated. I actually saw some parents leaving and smiled smugly on the inside.

There was very little dialogue, and some of the allusions were either archaic or extremely sophisticated. Namely, the effect of eroding education standards, socialism, and HAL9000. There was also a TON of actual scientific things, such as decreased bone density from being in space too long. There were references to 2001: A Space Odyssey (OMG YAY!), Battlestar Galactica (DOUBLE YAY!) and Star Wars (WHEEEEEEE!).

The animation is astounding and the characters are endearing despite their silence. I applaud Disney for figuring out how to give robots depth. There was more development in this than in most live-action movies. And there was continuation, something you don't see much anymore - characters you see and think aren't going to have a large part in the story turn out being much more than you think they are.

This movie will send you warning bells about overpopulation and corruption, so, again, it's no kid movie and it's definitely not lighthearted.

WALL-E was adorable (Pixar, you are awesome) and even his little friend the cockroach was adorable. I don't want to give anything else away, because I'm going to FIND YOU if you don't see this yourself.

review, happiness is a good story, happy happy joy joy

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